Math & Picture Books

18 Pins
Subtract with Pete the Cat
Subtraction - Free Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons activity! My kids are already crazy for this book and they will love this activity!
Counting Chocolate Chips – Duckling Get a Cookie
Counting Chocolate Chips – Duckling Get a Cookie - a fine motor and counting activity -
Positional Words with Pete the Cat: The Wheels on the Bus
Positional Words with Pete the Cat: The Wheels on the Bus
"The Duckling Gets A Cookie?!" By Mo Willems. Just a quick activity to go with the book by just using #freeprintables from Counting the choc chips on the cookies to enhance his one to one correspondent counting. #toddleractivities #earlymath by busylittlebunnies
First Last!
The Pigeon Wants a Hot Dog graph...math connection to literature. :)
Late Breaking News from PNN!!
subtraction-- use with The Duckling Gets a Cookie?! by Mo Willems this is a great math center with a fun literature tie in!
Life in First Grade
This is a really cute project for kids that are in first grade or second grade. Very good fraction activity and includes sharing with one another and using their imagination.
Act Out The Doorbell Rang
Try this printable equal sharing activity! Act out "The Doorbell Rang": Children act out the story from the book The Doorbell Rang with paper cookies.
Illustrative Mathematics
Students use the context of The Napping House to connect counting and cardinality (K.CC.B.4).
Happy Little Kindergarten
FREE Kitty Cat: I Love My Shoes Color Graphing. I use this during my Pete the Cat unit! Because everyone loves a FREEBIE!