A magical display of color...This stunning bracelet is adorned with 36 amethysts, 324 white topaz, 82 created pink sapphires, and 16 moonstones. With over 450 meticulously placed stones totaling more than 43 carats in all, this bracelet is truly a masterpiece!The bracelet is plated in a combination of platinum and rhodium, ensuring a brilliant and enduring finish that perfectly complements the abundance of stones.The Cherry Blossom Bracelet is more than just jewelry; it's a captivating statement White Bracelets With Sparkling Stones In Fine Jewelry Style, White Bracelets With Sparkling Stones Fine Jewelry, Fine Jewelry White Bracelets With Sparkling Stones, Elegant White Gemstones With Accents, White Bracelet With Sparkling Stones For Anniversary, White Gemstones With Accents Fine Jewelry, White Cubic Zirconia Jewelry With Gemstone Accents, Fine Jewelry White Gemstone Bracelets, Fine Jewelry White Bracelets With Gemstone