Created as a collaboration in the fabulous town of Asolo, Italy: Jarbo x Segatta. Inspired by the utility of a traveler's handbag and the personality of a classic French handbag, the Coquette is for the woman who knows refined luxury at first glance. This medium-sized, spacious companion is crafted in the tradition of exquisite full-grain French calfskin while being handstitched in Italy by our expert craftsmen and lifelong friends. The handbag features a secure main compartment with a zippered Textured Leather Top Handle Satchel For Travel, Textured Leather Travel Satchel, Travel Satchel In Epsom Leather With Double Handle, Travel Satchel Shoulder Bag In Textured Leather, Travel Satchel In Textured Leather As Shoulder Bag, Travel Satchel In Textured Epsom Leather, Travel Textured Leather Satchel Shoulder Bag, Travel Shoulder Bag In Textured Epsom Leather, Travel Textured Leather Shoulder Satchel