Looking for a great activity to help your little one stay focus and have during reading time ? Look no further, our Sensory bins are catered to endless story time interaction, colorful sensory play to engage your little one and help develop fine motor skills, letter recognition, pronunciation and so much more ! Have a book idea you want to turn into a sensory play? Message me and I will make it happen for you. Activities For Outside For Kids, Thanksgiving Dinner Sensory Bin, Treasure Chest Sensory Bin, Eatable Sensory Bin, Toddler Sensory Bins 3 Year, Lego Sensory Bin, Story And Craft Ideas Children Books, Making Learning Fun, Sensory Literacy Activities

Read and Learn Sensory Bins

Looking for a great activity to help your little one stay focus and have during reading time ? Look no further, our Sensory bins are catered to endless story time interaction, colorful sensory play to engage your little one and help develop fine motor skills, letter recognition, pronunciation and so much more ! Have a book idea you want to turn into a sensory play? Message me and I will make it happen for you.