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Make a Change Because You Love Your Body, Not Because You Hate It — Happy WifeStyle™
thankfulness quotes | gratitude | Inspiration, Motivation & Quotes
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If the people who want great respect could also GIVE that same respect, that would be magical!
I share this old quote with a heavy heart. And as I share this rant I send love to all those who have been hurt in all the violence this year and my hopes to all the rest that you do not become jaded or violent. The violence in the U.S. is at a flash point. One would think that our extraordinary freedoms would encourage more unity and thoughtful responses to the shootings. It's frustrating for all of us to see the daily killings, outrage and hurt. People want to riot. People are angry. You ca...
Empower And Free Yourself
Easy to judge difficult to understand. Understanding requires compassion, patience, and a willingness
Things I am thankful for
Yes! I don't say this very often at all.. so now is a good time, Thank You God for all I have, I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful life! I am greatful for all my family friends and followers here on Pinterest. U have blessed my life with your diversity in ways I can't express in words. Thank U!!!!
I've acquired "haters" through positive accomplishments. Never was my intent to have them tho. But on the real.. Before i walk into this Mosque... I have to Confess, I FEEL SORRY for them. Going to meditate in deep Salaat FOR THEM bkz it's the right thing
I am thankful for nights that turn into day….. #thankful #gratitude-quote
Sweet T Makes Three - Food, Fun, and Family Travel
It should say... Desire.. I am deserving of unlimited peaceful loving gifts from him... With no expectations except to enjoy and share.... so easy and simple