56- Relationships with Other People

A) Watch a movie about building a friendship with someone new Write down what the person did to make the relationship work and what did not make the relationship work B) Make a list of conversations starters you could use with someone new C) Select 3 ethnic or racial groups that are different from your own Make a poster showing things in common and what is different D) Have a "Celebrate Culture" party Invite people from different cultures ask each person to bring one food from their culture
16 Pins
Fluttering Through the Grades -
Fluttering Through First Grade: Friendly letter writing center....Good friend building/bucket filling activity.
10 Ways to Build Better Friendships
“10 Ways to Build Better Friendships” - A blog post inspired by 5th grade girls and relevant to all ages, based on the advice to build BRIDGES, not WALLS, and act as encouragers instead of critics.
How to Make Friends: ADHD Social Skills & Activities
Help your ADHD child make—and keep—friends: http://www.additudemag.com/slideshow/24/slide-1.html.
No Genre, Just Good Music!
Friendships Take Years of Cultivating ❤️ Friendships Are Meant To Endure Great Times Bad Times! There Are Little Hiccups That Friends Work Past ❤️
PurposeFairy: Change Your Life In the Most Powerful Ways
Building friendships >>> http://www.purposefairy.com/67023/what-it-really-takes-to-make-friends-with-someone/
I love this list of how to be a good friend. Introduce the topic at circle time, and write down the children's suggestions on big paper.
Prayer: Building My Friendships - MARRIAGE AFTER GOD
Prayer Of The Day – Building My Friendships --- Dear Lord, You have brought so many beautiful people into my life. I am incredibly grateful for each of my friendships. I pray that you would help me to build my friendships. I just need a little inspiration, a nudge of courage, a gentle reminder, to make… Read More Here http://unveiledwife.com/prayer-day-building-friendships/ #marriage #love
How To Build Relationships With Other Wedding Vendors, Bloggers, Editors or Anyone! - Evolve Your Wedding Business - Wedding Business Marketing & Strategy
How To Build Relationships With Other Wedding Vendors, Bloggers, Editors or Anyone! - Wedding Business Marketing Tips
Celebrating Your Marriage - MARRIAGE AFTER GOD
Celebrating Your Marriage --- We must understand that marriage is important. We must learn to value our unity as a husband and wife. We must NOT take our marriages for granted. When we do, we lose the importance of being one. We […]… Read More Here http://unveiledwife.com/celebrating-your-marriage/ #marriage #love