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50 Positive Affirmations For Self-Esteem | Tulip and Sage
Here are 50 Positive Affirmations to help boost your self-esteem. #selflove #selfhelp #selfcare #mentalhealth #selfesteem #confidence #affirmations #positiveaffirmations
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The Council Academy on Twitter: "#GoodMorning #GutenMorgen #Buongiorno #Bonjour #BuenosDías #HappyTuesday #FelizMartes… "
Quote of the Day (Motivation)
I saw this yesterday and it really resonated with me because I could never motivate myself to do anything and think it was partly to do with me not particularly liking anything so it was really hard for me. I would always look at other people doing different things and thinking “Why can’t I be like that” and thinking maybe if I had something I enjoyed doing I would become motivated like them.
Beautiful Phone Wallpapers and Backgrounds
If you're intimidated by me, change your own life. You have nothing because of the terrible person you are.