Raise Your Vibration

7 Metaphysical & Spiritual Benefits Of Journaling
Journaling therapy is becoming a popular way to practice self care. Journaling can also serve as a great way to enhance your spirituality! Think about it, your Book of Shadows is a specialized journal of your magickal knowledge and practices. Keeping a dream journal helps with lucid dreaming. To give you some journaling ideas, we’ve outlined seven benefits to journaling that you may not have considered.
9 Things You Can Do To Live With More Intention As a Witch
If you want to live with more intention in your life, here are some easy witchy things you can do from meditation to movement.
Chakra Healing Crystals Printable Chart
Let this printable chakra crystals chart be your quick guide to energy healing with stones. Use as an insert in your journal or bullet journal or print as a small chakra poster, cheat sheet or reference guide. #chakracrystals #energyhealing #chakrastones
The Light Compass: A guide to finding the route through to, and understanding of, your soul in order
'The Light Compass’ is an instinctive, transformational journey to understanding and interpreting your soul. An inspirational, practical guide to clearing out the clutter that living in the 21st century brings to chaotic, busy lives and a handbook for calming the energetic mind. Erica Russo’s recount of her captivating journey from despair and heartbreak through to deep down soul understanding is insightful and intuitive and a roadmap for transformation and reclaiming your own personal power.
How to to Manifest Your Soulmate
In this week's episode, Yolanda shares her amazing love story and how you can repeat the process to manifest your soulmate! Learn how to manifest love, self love, and confidence!
Manifestation is Not Magic
In this week's episode, Yolanda is going over the biggest mistakes people make when consciously manifesting so that you can understand manifestation at a deeper level. Manifestation is not magic - it's science. Learn how to use it to your advantage by listening now!
Elder Futhark Runic Reference Sheet | Norse Pagan Runic Printable Guide
This printable contains the following information about each Rune of Elder Futhark: Rune symbol Upright position keywords Reversed Position Keywords (if applicable) Health areas that Rune is responsible for + indicating if Rune is healing Galdr Sound Gods Colour Element Astrology Energy Plant Crystal This printable will be a great addition to your Grimoire and a helper when planning Rituals involving Runes. You will be able to quickly and easily select necessary plants and crystals and know wh
Witchcraft 101
Do you want to learn how to do powerful moon spells and rituals? Do you want a beginner witch guide to the phases of the moon? This FREE workshop is for you! #moon #witchcraft #babywitch #fullmoon
Witchcraft Spells for Beginners - Protection
I've got some simple witchcraft spells for beginners to help you protect your energy from negative influence. Magick doesn't have to be complicated. Keep it easy. Keep it awesome. #witchcraft #protectionspells #witchcraftspells
What Is A Soul? (Listen)
But it is only when a Human Being awakens that he/she realizes that there is more to life than just the daily chores..Soul Awakening. Spiritual Path. Consciousness. #soul #soulful #souls #soul tattoo spiritual #dark soul #soul care and personal growth
What are 7 Chakras and How They Function? - Beadnova
7 Chakras are a vortex or wheel of energy found in the body. It is because the life force, which moves inside you, rotates and spins. Consequently, this spinning force has seven centers in the body, beginning at the bottom of the spine. #7chakras #sevenchakras #chakrahealing #gemstone #crystal #energyhealing #healing #chakrastone
Chakra Printable
This printable chakra chart will serve as a quick reference guide on the seven chakras, helping you to align and balance your chakras easily! The chart includes the following; - Image of human body with each of the 7 chakras in their correct place - Name of each chakra - 3 major signs of each chakra imbalance - 3 common themes for each chakra - 3 crystals commonly used for each chakra - 3 essential oils commonly used for each chakra Download yours at Holistic Lifestyle 101 on Etsy!
The Art of Silk Thangka
Have I told you the Stitching Buddhas® origin story, the story of how I started teaching the art of silk thangka through a Virtual Apprentice Program ten years ago? This year, I moved everything onto a more streamlined online teaching platform and re-introduced the course in celebration of its tenth anniversary. Thangka Painting, Tibetan Thangka, Thangkas for Sale, Antique Thangkas, Buddhas Awakening, Buddhas in Buddhism, Buddha's Ideas, textile art, textile artists, Sacred Art.
The Love Reset
Live Workshop: May 24th, 25th & 26th @ 10am pst (replays available). 👉If you're an empath, healer or psychic & have been struggling to find your soulmate, come join this 3 day workshop!!! 👉Learn how to ID the programs, patterns & conditioning that are using your gifts against you. 👉Designed perfectly for the highly intuitive & energetic sensitive. It's Time To Reset Your Love Life!!! #PatriciaWallace #FindingLove