
23 Pins
종이접기/상자접기~A4한장으로 속 깊은 상자접기(두번째)
종이접기/상자접기~A4한장으로 속 깊은 상자접기(두번째) : 네이버 블로그
[인테리어 디자인] 인테리어에 필요한 인체공학 자료
[인테리어 디자인] 인테리어에 필요한 인체공학 자료 : 네이버 블로그
Vinyl Record Frames
The saddest thing about the advent of digital music might be the loss of album art. At 12" X 12", a vinyl album sleeve is the right size and proportion to be a work of art worthy of hanging in a gallery. I made these vinyl record frames to display my favorite cover art while keeping quick access through a slot in the top.
Cool vinyl record storage ideas
Storing your record collection and turntable setup can be quite a challange. Here are few ideas on how to store your vinyl.