
243 Pins
Money Worksheets for Kindergarten: Coin Identification
Money Money Money Money...MONEY! Money, Money activities, Money printables, Money - penny, Money - nickel, Money - dime, Money - quarterThis Money product contains 6 worksheets designed to help the young students identify the U. S. money (coins).The students will have to color the "target" coin and then count how many they colored.Included:*Find the Dimes*Find the Quarters*Find the Nickels*Find the Pennies*Find the Quarters and the Nickels*Find the Dimes and the PenniesHappy teaching!Dana's W...
Coin Anchor Chart
Use this poster as a clear reference for your students to master coin counting!Common coins included: penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.Shows three ways to write the value.Shows how to count up to 4 of each coin.
Addition to 10 with pictures sweet Theme
These Addition to 10 with pictures sweet Theme Worksheets are designed for math centers,independent practice, homework, or for use in small groups. These worksheets will help students with basic addition facts. It is perfect for whole-class activities, math stations, fast finisher activities and review.
Money Worksheets - Planning Playtime
Identify Coin Values Money Worksheet - Free Printable Online
Identify Coin Values