Papers by Adebayo J Akinyeye
Microbes and Infectious Diseases (Print), May 1, 2022
Background: Slaughterhouse or abattoir are usually the starting point of most meat processing ind... more Background: Slaughterhouse or abattoir are usually the starting point of most meat processing industry especially in communities where the stock comes directly from the market or farms to the food chain. Meat is processed fresh for consumers and traders alike in these facilities and as a critical component of the livestock industry, a major source of meat supplies and employment in Nigeria. However, the activities and processes in these abattoirs when mishandled, are often a direct or an indirect source of pollution in the environment. When improperly treated, the effluents from these abattoirs constitute a significant environmental and health hazard. Aim: This study investigated the bacteria diversity of the effluents from the Ikpoba Hill and Oluku abattoirs and their public health implications. Methods: 1and half liters effluents samples, were collected from the two abattoirs. 25 ml of effluents mixed with 225 ml of buffered peptone water (1 in 10 dilution) from where other dilutions were obtained and Phenotypic identification of microbes was performed according to standard methods. The organisms were isolated using the trypticase soy agar (TSA) media. Results: A total of 5 distinct bacterial isolates (Escherichia coli (E.coli), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus substilis, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Enterococcus faecalis) were isolated from the effluents. The percentage occurrence of the organisms isolated from abattoir A were E. coli (31.1%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (24.5%), Enterococcus faecalis (18.6%), Bacillus substilis (17.6%), and Klebsiella pneumonia (8.2%) while the percentage occurrence of the isolates in abattoir B were E. coli (35.3%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20.7%), Bacillus substilis (19.3%), Streptococcus faecalis (17.3%), and Klebsiella pneumonia (7.4%). Conclusion: The study concludes that some of these organisms isolated from these effluents constitute potential public health hazards. It is recommended that effluents from these abattoirs be properly treated before releasing them to the environment.
A study of the effect of industrial effluents from oluyole industrial Area on alaro stream and a ... more A study of the effect of industrial effluents from oluyole industrial Area on alaro stream and a pond was carried out in August – November, 2002. The physico-chemical parameters and the heavy metal concentrations of the effluents were investigated to determine their effects on the water quantity. Metals (heavy, trace and non-metals) contents of the sediments were also analysed to determine their level in the sediments. The lowest and highest mean heavy metal concentration (Cmolkg -1 ) in the sediment ranged between : As (0.06) and (0.10), Cd (0.01) and (0.03), Pb (0.04) and (0.10), Hg (0.03) and (0.07), Zn (0.03) and (0.08).
The bacteriological evaluation of abattoir effluent contaminated soil in Benin (Ikpoba-Okha Local... more The bacteriological evaluation of abattoir effluent contaminated soil in Benin (Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Area), Nigeria was investigated. Five soil samples were collected from two abattoirs for the study. The bacteriological analysis of abattoir effluent contaminated soil was investigated using the spread plate method. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) at p=0.05 was used to further determines the differences among the factor investigated. The results revealed higher values for the total mean viable count for bacterial load in contaminated soil which were in the range of (1.25x10 to 1.76x10) Cfu/g in the study area A and (1.26x10 to 1.58x10) Cfu/g in the study area B which were significantly higher than the value obtained in uncontaminated soil area (i.e. 8.00x 10 to 1.15x10) Cfu/g. A total of seven distinct bacterial isolates were recorded from the abattoir’s soil samples. They are E. coli, Pseudomonas sp., Proteus sp., Klebsiella sp., Streptococcus faecalis, Bacillus and Staphylococ...
Sawmill workers are exposed to occupational hazards associated with the industry. This study was ... more Sawmill workers are exposed to occupational hazards associated with the industry. This study was carried out from March to May 2013 in two sawmill sites situated in Usen and Iguomo and one non-sawmill site (control) in Okada Edo state. Evaluation of occupational risk via respiratory and skin irritation risk rate by age, gender, year of experience, nature of work and smoking habits among 65 sawmill workers was via questionnaires from six sawmills. Occupational exposure to wood dust leads to increased risk of chronic bronchitis being more pronounced in smokers who showed a higher risk rate of 88.0% respiratory irritation per 100 among sawmill workers. Risk rate of respiratory irritation by age per 100 among sawmill workers reveals that workers below 18 (children) and older workers from 50 and above have a higher risk rate of 100%, but workers within the age range of 18 to 41 had 75% to 82.4% risk rate, workers within the age range of 42 to 49 had the lowest value of 25% risk rate. The...
An assessment of the impact of industrial effluents from Oluyole industrial Area on Alaro stream ... more An assessment of the impact of industrial effluents from Oluyole industrial Area on Alaro stream and a pond, was carried out in August - November, 2002. The heavy metal concentrations of the stream and pond and effluents were investigated to determine their effects on the water quality, the distribution and abundance of benthos in the stream and a pond. The major components of the benthic community in the stream and the pond were dominated by Monhystera and Chironomus, which were known to be pollution stress tolerant. The mean heavy metal concentration ranged between : As (0.40 - 1.60), Cd (0.65 - 1.60), Cu (1.0 - 11.60), Pb (0.50 -1.60), Hg (0.40 - 1.63), Ni (0.40 - 2.00),and Zn (0.10 - 2.20).
Scientific Research and Essays, Jan 31, 2009
The aim of the study was to investigate the macro and micro-anatomical adaptations in the uterus ... more The aim of the study was to investigate the macro and micro-anatomical adaptations in the uterus and the type and nature of implantation found in Eidolon helvum. A total of thirty pregnant bats sampled from Obafemi Awolowo University Campus were used in this study. They were harvested and sacrificed by cervical dislocation after being carefully assessed and confirmed to be presumably healthy. Abdominopelvic incisions were made on the bats to expose and excise their uteri. The uteri were observed macroscopically while some were fixed in 10% formol saline and processed for routine Heamatoxylin and eosine (H&E) staining procedure and Verhoeff-van Giesson's stain. It was observed that the uterus of E. helvum possesses a partial septum that divides the uterine cavity into two compartments also; the lateral end of either of the uterine limbs was always enlarged or distended more than the other. As the dormant zygote began to develop in either of the uterine limbs, it grew lateromedially causing the particular limb to distend gradually towards the midline of the body. The uterine body did not participate in any way in carrying the developing fetus till term. Tubal implantationa pathologic condition in some mammals was also observed to be natural in E. helvum. Thus, the presence of partial septate uterus and tubal implantation being a normal phenomenon in the E. helvum shows its primitiveness as a mammal.
African Journal of Food Science, 2013
Animal protein is an important nutritional component which is required in the appropriate quality... more Animal protein is an important nutritional component which is required in the appropriate quality and quantity towards growth and development of humans and animals. Its shortages constitute a major problem especially in sub-Saharan Africa leading to unwholesome processing and marketing practices. Beef is the red flesh or meat obtained from bovines, especially domestic cattle after slaughter. It is one of the principal meats with wide acceptance in many parts of the World. However, beef is considered a taboo especially in Indian culture. In Nigeria, it has been severally reported that fresh carcasses are exposed to various unhygienic conditions during slaughtering and when leaving the abattoirs. The rate of microbiological contamination under such situation remains a serious health risk to the consuming public, yet this situation continues unabated. This health hazards also occurs during handling, processing, packaging and storage. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to highlight...
Research journal of pharmaceutical, biological and chemical sciences, 2012
The physico-chemical analysis of abattoir effluent contaminated soil in Benin (Ikpoba-Okha Local ... more The physico-chemical analysis of abattoir effluent contaminated soil in Benin (Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Area), Nigeria was investigated. Five soil samples were collected from two abattoirs study area and uncontaminated area was used as control. The physico-chemical parameters investigated include; soil pH, Carbon, Nitrogen and available phosphorus content, exchangeable bases (Na, K, C and Mg) and soil particle size using the standard technique. The abattoir effluent contaminated soils have the mean pH values between 6.30 and 6.33 and showed high significant difference in pH values compared to uncontaminated soil at 5% level of probability. The organic carbon content of abattoir effluents contaminated soils ranged between 1.57% and 1.54% this also showed significant difference at 5% level of probability. Exchangeable bases (Na, K, Ca and Mg) contents values obtained in the contaminated soils have much lower value compared to uncontaminated soil. Generally, the exchangeable bases ...
Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, 2011
A limnological assessment of the impact of industrial effluents from Oluyole industrial Area on A... more A limnological assessment of the impact of industrial effluents from Oluyole industrial Area on Alaro stream and a pond, was carried out in August-November, 2002. The physico-chemical parameters and the heavy metal concentrations of the effluents were investigated to determine their effects on the water quantity. The analysis of mudcrab-Eurypanopaus adspersus; pouch snailsphysa spp; pondweedpotamogeton spp; and banana sucker-Musa spp, showed that the tendency of heavy metal bioaccumulation or bioavailability may be on the increase if the value in the water continues to increase. The highest and lowest mean concentration (mgkg-1) of heavy metals in the organisms ranged from; As (40) in pouch snail and (15) in mudcrab, Cd (45) in banana sucker and (20) in mudcrab.
Based on the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of Lagos. Includes bibliographical refere... more Based on the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of Lagos. Includes bibliographical references (p. 309-332) and index.
In recent times, the use of plants as a source of vital compounds to combat microb... more In recent times, the use of plants as a source of vital compounds to combat microbial infections has gained prominence. The necessity to search for plant-based antimicrobials is increasing due to high cost, reduced efficacy and increased resistance to conventional medicines. This study analyzed the phytochemical composition of moringa olifera, and antimicrobial potential of its methanol and hexane extracts on Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeuriginosa and Candida albicans, using antimicrobial screening techniques. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, steroids, saponins and tannins. The methanol extracts of the leaf of this plant at a concentration of 1040mg/m l exhibited antimicrobial activities against all the microorganisms. The hexane leaf extract however inhibited all the microorganisms in all concentration except P aeuriginosa. The methanol extracts generally showed more antimicrobial effects compared to the hexane extracts. This may be due to alkaloid and saponins being largely present in the methanol leaf extract. The variations in the presence of the phytochemicals may also be due to the choice of the solvent used in the extraction, methanol is apolar solvent while hexane is a non polar. The age of the plant was also found to have significant effect on the phytochemicals present and thus on the antimicrobial properties.
Animal protein is an important nutritional component which is required in the appropriate quality... more Animal protein is an important nutritional component which is required in the appropriate quality and quantity towards growth and development of humans and animals. Its shortages constitute a major problem especially in sub-Saharan Africa leading to unwholesome processing and marketing practices. Beef is the red flesh or meat obtained from bovines, especially domestic cattle after slaughter. It is one of the principal meats with wide acceptance in many parts of the World. However, beef is considered a taboo especially in Indian culture. In Nigeria, it has been severally reported that fresh carcasses are exposed to various unhygienic conditions during slaughtering and when leaving the abattoirs. The rate of microbiological contamination under such situation remains a serious health risk to the consuming public, yet this situation continues unabated. This health hazards also occurs during handling, processing, packaging and storage. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to highlight and identify areas that should be addressed to improve the quality of fresh beef at the retail point for human consumption. Then need for public awareness about proper and hygienic handling of meat from the abattoir to the retailer and the consumers were reiterated, bearing in mind the health implications of ingesting microorganism's which could result in some food borne diseases like cancer, tuberculosis, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea among others, the result of which could be fatal. Bacteria enter the blood stream and spread through the body. Therefore it is of importance to maintain strict hygiene from pre-slaughter till the products gets to the consumer. Consumer protection in this review was considered the major priority before any other consideration. Considering the importance of this topic, the authors suggested that Government agencies and other stakeholders involved in meat/food safety regulations like the Veterinary Departments, Public health and hygiene Departments at the three tiers of Government as well as the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control should use their good offices to enforce strict compliance to standard food safety regulations. Government should ensure the provision of infrastructures and state of the art abattoirs across the Nation since healthy citizens builds a healthy Nation and a healthy Nation is a wealthy Nation.
The bacteriological evaluation of abattoir effluent contaminated soil in Benin (Ikpoba-Okha Local... more The bacteriological evaluation of abattoir effluent contaminated soil in Benin (Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Area), Nigeria was investigated. Five soil samples were collected from two abattoirs for the study. The bacteriological analysis of abattoir effluent contaminated soil was investigated using the spread plate method. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) at p=0.05 was used to further determines the differences among the factor investigated. The results revealed higher values for the total mean viable count for bacterial load in contaminated soil which were in the range of (1.25x10 7 to 1.76x10 7 ) Cfu/g in the study area A and (1.26x10 7 to 1.58x10 7 ) Cfu/g in the study area B which were significantly higher than the value obtained in uncontaminated soil area (i.e. 8.00x 10 5 to 1.15x10 6 ) Cfu/g. A total of seven distinct bacterial isolates were recorded from the abattoir's soil samples. They are E. coli, Pseudomonas sp., Proteus sp., Klebsiella sp., Streptococcus faecalis, Bacillus and Staphylococcus sp. The E. coli has the highest frequency of occurrence in abattoir effluents contaminated soil, while Proteus sp. has the lowest frequency of occurrence. In the experimental study area A, the percentage frequency of occurrence was in the range of; E. coli (31.5%), Pseudomonas sp. (21.9%), Bacillus sp. (16.6%), Staphylococcus sp. (12.5%), Klebsiella sp. and Streptococcus faecalis (7.6% respectively) and Proteus sp (2.0%). In the experimental study area B, the percentage frequency of occurrence was in the range of; E. coli (26.1%) Bacillus sp. (21.3%), Pseudomonas sp. (18.0%), Staphylococcus sp. (15.0%), Klebsiella sp. and Streptococcus faecalis (9.0% respectively) and Proteus sp. (1.6%). In uncontaminated soil area, only 4 distinct bacterial isolates were recorded and the percentage frequency of occurrence were in the range of; Bacillus sp. (44.9%), Pseudomonas sp. (32.5%), Staphylococcus sp. (21.4%) and Proteus sp. (1.2%). The presence of E. coli and Streptococcus faecalis is an indication of faecal contamination. It can be inferred from this finding that the untreated abattoir waste could pose a health risk and cause ecological imbalance when released into the environment.
The physico-chemical analysis of abattoir effluent contaminated soil in Benin (Ikpoba-Okha Local ... more The physico-chemical analysis of abattoir effluent contaminated soil in Benin (Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Area), Nigeria was investigated. Five soil samples were collected from two abattoirs study area and uncontaminated area was used as control. The physico-chemical parameters investigated include; soil pH, Carbon, Nitrogen and available phosphorus content, exchangeable bases (Na, K, C and Mg) and soil particle size using the standard technique. The abattoir effluent contaminated soils have the mean pH values between 6.30 and 6.33 and showed high significant difference in pH values compared to uncontaminated soil at 5% level of probability. The organic carbon content of abattoir effluents contaminated soils ranged between 1.57% and 1.54% this also showed significant difference at 5% level of probability. Exchangeable bases (Na, K, Ca and Mg) contents values obtained in the contaminated soils have much lower value compared to uncontaminated soil. Generally, the exchangeable bases contents values for the contaminated study area showed significant difference from uncontaminated study area except for the potassium values. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) at p=0.05 was used to further determines the differences among the factor investigated.
Sawmill workers are exposed to occupational hazards associated with the industry. This study was ... more Sawmill workers are exposed to occupational hazards associated with the industry. This study was carried out from March to May 2013 in two sawmill sites situated in Usen and Iguomo and one non-sawmill site (control) in Okada Edo state. Evaluation of occupational risk via respiratory and skin irritation risk rate by age, gender, year of experience, nature of work and smoking habits among 65 sawmill workers was via questionnaires from six sawmills. Occupational exposure to wood dust leads to increased risk of chronic bronchitis being more pronounced in smokers who showed a higher risk rate of 88.0% respiratory irritation per 100 among sawmill workers. Risk rate of respiratory irritation by age per 100 among sawmill workers reveals that workers below 18 (children) and older workers from 50 and above have a higher risk rate of 100%, but workers within the age range of 18 to 41 had 75% to 82.4% risk rate, workers within the age range of 42 to 49 had the lowest value of 25% risk rate. Therefore children and elderly (advanced in age) people are more susceptible to respiratory irritation in sawmill industry. Risk rate of skin irritation has minimum and maximum values by age from 42 years and above to be 0%, <18 to be 100%, gender 25% for female and 36.8% for male, year of experience 33.3%(0-1 year) and 36.4%.(>2 years).
A limnological assessment of the impact of industrial effluents from Oluyole industrial Area on A... more A limnological assessment of the impact of industrial effluents from Oluyole industrial Area on Alaro stream and a pond, was carried out in August -November, 2002. The physico-chemical parameters and the heavy metal concentrations of the effluents were investigated to determine their effects on the water quantity. The analysis of mudcrab -Eurypanopaus adspersus; pouch snailsphysa spp; pondweedpotamogeton spp; and banana sucker -Musa spp, showed that the tendency of heavy metal bioaccumulation or bioavailability may be on the increase if the value in the water continues to increase. The highest and lowest mean concentration (mgkg -1 ) of heavy metals in the organisms ranged from; As in pouch snail and (15) in mudcrab, Cd (45) in banana sucker and (20) in mudcrab.
An assessment of the impact of industrial effluents from Oluyole industrial Area on Alaro stream ... more An assessment of the impact of industrial effluents from Oluyole industrial Area on Alaro stream and a pond, was carried out in August -November, 2002. The heavy metal concentrations of the stream and pond and effluents were investigated to determine their effects on the water quality, the distribution and abundance of benthos in the stream and a pond. The major components of the benthic community in the stream and the pond were dominated by Monhystera and Chironomus, which were known to be pollution stress tolerant. The mean heavy metal concentration ranged between : As (0.40 -1.60), Cd (0.65 -1.60), Cu (1.0 -11.60), Pb (0.50 -1.60), Hg (0.40 -1.63), Ni (0.40 -2.00),and Zn (0.10 -2.20).
The aim of this investigation was to sensitize embalming laboratory users of the impending danger... more The aim of this investigation was to sensitize embalming laboratory users of the impending danger associated with overexposure of 40% formaldehyde vapour (the active chemical in the embalming fluid) on the trachea and lung. Sixty adult male wistar rats were used for this investigation. The animals were divided into five (A, B, C, D and E) groups (n=12). Animals in Groups B, C, D and E were respectively exposed to 40% formaldehyde vapour for fifteen, twenty, twenty-five and thirty days while animals in group A which served as control group were not exposed to 40% formaldehyde at all. At different stages of the experiment, the animals in each of the groups were decapitated and the thoracic cage cut open to expose the trachea and lung. Some of the tissues were excised and assayed for Malondialdehyd (MDA) and catalase activities while some were processed for light microscopic investigation adopting the Heamatoxylin and eosine (H & E) staining procedure. The histopathological observation in our study showed an alteration in the cytoarchitecture of the epithelium of the trachea and lung of the treated animals. These alterations were characterized by ulceration and mataplasia of the trachea epithelium, ulceration of the alveoli, hyperkeratosis, necrotic lesions and desquamation. Also, there was a significant day dependent increment (p<0.05) in the activities of MDA and catalase in the treated animals. These findings confirmed the toxic effect of 40% formaldehyde vapour in the rat trachea and lung and advocate for precautionary measure while handling this chemical.
The aim of the study was to investigate the macro and micro-anatomical adaptations in the uterus ... more The aim of the study was to investigate the macro and micro-anatomical adaptations in the uterus and the type and nature of implantation found in Eidolon helvum. A total of thirty pregnant bats sampled from Obafemi Awolowo University Campus were used in this study. They were harvested and sacrificed by cervical dislocation after being carefully assessed and confirmed to be presumably healthy. Abdominopelvic incisions were made on the bats to expose and excise their uteri. The uteri were observed macroscopically while some were fixed in 10% formol saline and processed for routine Heamatoxylin and eosine (H&E) staining procedure and Verhoeff-van Giesson's stain. It was observed that the uterus of E. helvum possesses a partial septum that divides the uterine cavity into two compartments also; the lateral end of either of the uterine limbs was always enlarged or distended more than the other. As the dormant zygote began to develop in either of the uterine limbs, it grew lateromedially causing the particular limb to distend gradually towards the midline of the body. The uterine body did not participate in any way in carrying the developing fetus till term. Tubal implantationa pathologic condition in some mammals was also observed to be natural in E. helvum. Thus, the presence of partial septate uterus and tubal implantation being a normal phenomenon in the E. helvum shows its primitiveness as a mammal.
A study of the effect of industrial effluents from oluyole industrial Area on alaro stream and a ... more A study of the effect of industrial effluents from oluyole industrial Area on alaro stream and a pond was carried out in August -November, 2002. The physico-chemical parameters and the heavy metal concentrations of the effluents were investigated to determine their effects on the water quantity. Metals (heavy, trace and non-metals) contents of the sediments were also analysed to determine their level in the sediments. The lowest and highest mean heavy metal concentration in the sediment ranged between : As (0.06) and (0.10), Cd (0.01) and (0.03), Pb (0.04) and (0.10), Hg (0.03) and (0.07), Zn (0.03) and (0.08).
Papers by Adebayo J Akinyeye