
25 Pins
Strengthen Your Board’s Leadership by Increasing Its Understanding of Programs - BoardSource
Starting a Nonprofit: Where Do You Begin? - Purplepass
Managing the NonProfit Organization: Principles and Practices by Drucker, Peter F. by HarperBusiness
This used book is in Very Good condition. The service, or non-profit, sector of our society is growing rapidly (with more than 8 million employees and more than 80 million volunteers), creating a major need for guidelines and expert advice on how to manage these organizations effectively. Drucker gives examples and explanations of mission, leadership, resources, marketing, goals, people development, decision making, and much more. Included are interviews with nine experts that address key issues
Getting Corporate Sponsorships - The Invisible Mentor
Getting Corporate Sponsorships. Finding sponsors can be hard if you do not understand the process. Whether you are a business looking for sponsorship ideas, or an individual looking for sponsorship dollars to support causes important to you, you’ll find tips in this article to help you. Click the link to read this article to learn where to start to secure sponsorships.