OC Nine

••• General ••• Name: Henry Nickname: Nine Age: 21 Gender: male Sexual orientation: gay Likes: the ocean, open spaces, sailing Dislikes: small spaces, chains, fights between crew mates, people talking about slaves, slavers, people treating slaves like shit Hobbies: playing the flute, the work he does, reading Personality: he likes to make people happy, he get quiet sometimes but will snap out of it if someone is near by ship: ••• Appearance ••• Height: 6'3 Hair colour: blonde Eye colour: reddish brown Special features: he has several small scars down his back and one large one down his left shoulder blade from being punished as a slave, two piercings on each ear and snake bites Weapons: two guns strapped to his side, a hidden knife behind his back Clothes: the pictures of the clothes, not the ones in the fanart ••• Background ••• Biography: he has a younger brother somewhere in the world (the kid with black hair In the 3rd pic) his mother was a whore and his father was just another man Paying for a good time. His mother was taken as a slave when he was 5 and soon after he was taken too, he spent weeks on a crowded ship to be sold off, he was given a number tattooed along his right arm so they could identify him, 90236 was his name from then on, he was sold to a family who then sent him back and sold to another family, this happened several times, when he turned 13 he had already given up everything, he murdered the family that owned him and ran away, he wore a black band over his whole right arm, he got a job in a gang that owned a dock, he ran messages for the gang members, at 15 he found a dead woman and a crying baby, he made the baby his younger brother and looked after him, nine turned 20 and by that time he had become high ranked in the gang and ask them to look after the boy until he returned, they agreed and nine left. He has spent a year at sea. ••• Other••• Abilities: good at fighting, extremely fast runner Occupation:____ Health: the sight in his right eye is damaged, has nightmares every now and then from his time as a slave
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Caesar Art - White Knight Chronicles II Art Gallery
Aha! Inspiration for Zion "Games" Gamsleigh! #MSPre Caesar, White Knight Chronicles