Task box

50 Pins
Task Boxes for Independent Stations (Starter Pack)
Before you download, please note that this download is included in The Original Task Box Bundle.These task boxes and labels include 16* activities, each with 2 levels of difficulty. Included are:COLOR MATCHTENS FRAMESSHAPESCOUNTING BEARSTRACINGALPHABET MATCHBEGINNING SOUNDSCVC WORDSSIGHT WORDSCLOTHING MATCHCOMMUNITY HELPERSOBJECT MATCH*UPDATED 11/26/2016 to include:AdditionCoin MatchSeasonsShort Vowels____________________________More from Especially Education:FacebookPinterestNewsletterEmailMade
9 Ideas for Camping Themed Classroom Activities {Freebie}
Fishing for multiplication facts was so much fun as part of this camping themed classroom activity pack. Perfect to keep my students engaged for the end of the school year. #multiplication #endoftheyear #campingthemed
Hardware Work Tasks - The Autism Helper
So I have this secret fear. I am totally and unnecessarily freaked out about going to… Home Depot. I know, it’s completely bizarre and I’m even a little embarrassed to be admitting this here. I don’t know why. I feel totally out of my comfort zone – I feel like I should be driving a pick …
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Life Skills Room - The Autism Helper
Life Skills Room - The Autism Helper