:: BABIES ::

Everything you need to know about caring for your newborn baby and infant.
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Your Baby: 11 Months, 1 Week Old
There is no way to prevent your baby from catching many of the common viruses that are so prevalent. Hand washing and avoidance of anyone else who is sick go a long way toward keeping your baby healthy. There are some diseases that are preventable through vaccines, however, so it is very important to keep your baby up to date on his or her immunizations, including the yearly flu vaccine. #toddlers #11monthsold #mybaby #milestones #wellcheck
Your Baby: 1 Week Old
With so much going on, it can be easy to try pushing forward faster than your own body is ready to go. Whether you had a vaginal birth or a Cesarean section, birth is a challenging process for your body, and you’ll be experiencing issues related to your own recovery for at least a little while. Watch out for these warning signs that may signal a problem, and don’t hesitate to call your doctor or midwife with any questions. #newmom #newbaby #1weekold #newborn #selfcare
Your Baby: 6 Weeks Old
Many new parents are concerned about their baby’s skin. It’s true that babies have the softest skin, but that doesn’t mean they are immune to various minor skin issues. Fortunately, the vast majority are minor and easily treatable. #babies #skincare #newborns #newbornskin #6weeksold
Your Baby: 6 Months Old
It’s time to head to your pediatrician for your baby's 6-month check up. This is an important check-up that will give your pediatrician an opportunity to observe your baby’s growth and development. #milestones #babies #growingbaby #6monthsold #newbaby
Babyproofing Bathrooms
Bath toys should be BPA, PVC, and phthalate-free. Squirting bath toys tend to collect bacteria within them and easily produce mold spores. Make sure the toys can be cleaned. You may be able to plug the holes with a hot glue gun. #safety #bathroom #babies #toddlers #babyproofing
Your Baby: 8 Months 1 Week Old
To your 8-month-old, anything can be a toy. From the discarded water bottle to the wooden spoon, if it makes noise, is colorful, or is an object your baby can pick up or pick at, he or she will likely do it. So it’s a good idea to focus on what your baby can safely play with and what should be off-limits. #8monthsold #8months #babies #development #milestones
How to Play with Babies
Games with babies under 1 year old are easy and can be done anywhere. Not only are they great ways for bonding, but they also teach emotional and social development. Funny faces and noises are classic games babies love to play. #babies #newmom #momlife #games #play
Your Baby: 5 Months 2 Weeks Old
Learning to recognize your child’s personality and character traits can be a powerful parenting tool. Child development experts have identified nine character traits that tend to emerge in babyhood that may give you clues to your child’s future personality. #personality #5monthsold #5montholdbaby #milestones #babies
Your Baby: 9 Months 2 Weeks Old
You may have heard the rule of introducing a new food type every 3-5 days. The belief behind this was that starting new foods slowly could reduce the likelihood your baby could experience a food allergy related to introducing new foods. However, several new studies have found doing this doesn’t have this effect on babies who seem to be eating new foods well. Introducing new foods faster, every 1-3 days can help to expand your child’s diet. #nutrition #solidfoods #firstfood #feeding #babies
Your Baby: 10 Weeks Old
At 10 weeks of age, the typical baby needs as much as 18 hours of sleep in every 24-hour period. Although some babies “sleep through the night” at this age, most babies at this age are still not sleeping longer than about five hours at a stretch before they need to eat again. #sleep #10weeks #10weeksold #newborns #newbaby
Your Pregnancy: 33 Weeks
With a fetal age of 31 weeks, your baby can weigh as much as 4 lbs. and measure almost 18 inches from head to toe. With his or her arms and legs tucked in, your baby is just about the size of a pineapple. #babies #33weeks #33weekspregnant #pregnant #pregnancy
Laundry Detergent Safety
For most babies, using regular laundry detergent and mixing their clothes with yours is just fine. If you usually use a strong smelling detergent consider one that is fragrance and dye free to decrease the chance your baby will react negatively toward the detergent. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when it comes to washing cloth diapers and always wash them separately from the family’s clothing. #laundry #babies #safety #pediatrics #detergent
Adjusted Age for Premature Babies
Adjusted age is important when measuring growth and development of a premature baby. #preemies #newbaby #newborns #newmom #pediatrics
Your Baby: 3 Months Old
Some 3-month-old babies are already starting to sleep for longer stretches, while others are still following the exhausting sleep patterns of a newborn and waking every few hours to eat. #babies #3monthsold #newmom #12weeks #12weeksold
Opioid Addiction in Newborns
Opioids cross the placenta barrier easily. Newborns exposed to opioids are at risk for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Treatment depends on the severity of symptoms. Doctors usually try to avoid giving more opiates to a newborn. Support for the mom is critical. #opioidaddiction #newborns #treatmentoptions #opioids #pediatrics