
187 Pins
The Ultimate List of Goat Breeds for Your Farm - The Free Range Life®
The Ultimate List of Goat Breeds for Your Farm - The Free Range Life®
Simple DIY Hay Feeder for Sheep and Goats
This download includes instructions, a drawing, a list of materials, and a CAD animation to build a wooden sheep/goat feeder with skids. Each step of assembly is photographed and accompanied by a description, and materials are clearly specified in a spreadsheet. The hay feeder is designed to suspend hay comfortably at eye level for about eight average-sized small ruminants. Hay is loaded into the top of the feeder and it slides from one location to the next on skids. The build time is roughly 2 hours and all of the materials are basic lumber and hardware found at farm supply and hardware stores. The estimated materials cost is roughly $60 and the required tools are: a hammer, hand drill, measuring tape, some sort of wood saw, and bolt cutters or an angle grinder. Please do not share pla