
137 Pins
And will keep on loving you until you are back for real my love😘😘😘😘😘😘 take care and see you in your dreams ❤️❤️
I love you and always will. I'm not ready, you're not ready and I'm fine with that. I accept you for who you are and want you to be there for you. You make me stronger and more confident. Can you fix my issues no, can I fix your issues no. But together we can support each other while we figure it all out. Having that support just makes it easier. The past is the past, the future is unknown, lets live is the now. Take that scary step with me and lets start over. All it...
NameBright - Coming Soon
I still have our old conversations saved, and I still go back through the texts and all the silly pictures we sent each other. And yea, it was never my intention to become like her. Idk how this came up. But I can't change the past, all I can do is live the present and make better choices that cost me so much so I can have a better tomorrow. If we were to cross paths again. If you'd want to talk again, I want to get to know you again. We are only strangers with memories.
80 Tired Quotes
SW - It is the same thing over and over again. For the last few months, in our dealing with jealousies your choice is to end it,, to be done. Rather than try to change the same actions, you choose to cut off communication, fail to look at yourself, fail to see that all this goes away if you just do the uncomfortable and leave him. but something always holds you back. I gave you my ALL! and you just end it and say your done. Your self image is not coming from me. it is from you. I gave everyt...