FLOWERS-Mosquito repeals

25 Pins
1.9M views · 31K reactions | It's just pouring oil into the coffee! After I learned that, I don't spend money anymore!! | It's just pouring oil into the coffee! After I learned that, I don't spend money anymore!! | By Tavares good Tips | Facebook
2M views · 44K reactions | Just add mothballs to the coffee powder and you'll never have this problem again. | instant coffee | Just add mothballs to the coffee powder and you'll never have this problem again. | By Learn to cook | Facebook
Just add mothballs to the coffee powder and you'll never have this problem again. | instant coffee | Just add mothballs to the coffee powder and you'll never have this problem again. | By Learn to cook
1.3M views · 6.4K reactions | Sivrisinek savar 🪰🪰🪰 #sivrisinek #sivrisinekkovucu #öneri | Gizem Mertoglu
Sivrisinek savar 🪰🪰🪰 #sivrisinek #sivrisinekkovucu #öneri | Gizem Mertoglu | Gizem Mertoglu · Original audio
4.5M views · 72K reactions | Sinek kovucu yapıyorum derken sanat eseri cıktı ortaya 🤭🤭neyse konumuza dönelim 👍bu sene çok fazla sivri sinek ve kara sinek var balkonda otururken ışık açmaya korkar olduk bu limon karanfil ve mum 3 lüsünü hazırlayın yanınızda mum yansın 👍sineklerden kurutuldugunuzu göreceksiniz ‼️‼️‼️#sinekkovucu #karasinek #sivrisinek #böcekkovucu #öneri #püfnokta | Melek Bal
Sinek kovucu yapıyorum derken sanat eseri cıktı ortaya 🤭🤭neyse konumuza dönelim 👍bu sene çok fazla sivri sinek ve kara sinek var balkonda otururken ışık açmaya korkar olduk bu limon karanfil ve mum 3 lüsünü hazırlayın yanınızda mum yansın 👍sineklerden kurutuldugunuzu göreceksiniz ‼️‼️‼️#sinekkovucu #karasinek #sivrisinek #böcekkovucu #öneri #püfnokta | Melek Bal | Melek Bal · Original audio