Christmas Classroom Ideas

64 Pins
Christmas Gift Thank You Note Freebie
Here are seven easy thank you notes for you to use to thank your students for all of those Christmas gifts you get from them. All you have to do i...
Five Hundred Followers Freebie & Heart Chain Activity by The Primary Techie
FREE Christmas thank-you cards to give to your students for gifts given.
Free Printable Thank You Notes
This is a set of printable notes that are perfect for thanking your students for any holiday gifts they may give you! There are 4 to a page, and one set is provided in English and one in Spanish. Just print on card stock or heavy paper, cut, and go!
Thank You Letter - Holiday - From Teacher to Students
With the holidays approaching, I remember finding myself scrambling to get all of my thank you cards written and handed out to students. I'm always so touched by the generosity and thoughtfulness of students. Being in a middle school with over a hundred students, I plan to use this letter, so as to ensure each and every student is able to receive a proper thank you.
Grinning Grinch {Persuasive Freebie}
Persuasive writing freebie to use in conjunction with How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
Night Before Christmas | Visit From St. Nick | I Have Who Has
The poem has been divided into 28 cards in a "I have, Who Has" fashion. Students will have to listen carefully as they only get the 3 or 4 words in poem ahead of their lines. I have also listed several alternate ways to enjoy the included cards.
3rd Grade Christmas Math and Christmas Grammar - FREE
FREEBIE Christmas+•+Christmas+•+Christmas+•+Christmas+•+Christmas+•+Christmas+•+Christmas! This+Christmas+Roundup+Freebie+provides+fun,+seasonal+practice+in+rounding+whole+numbers+to+the+nearest+10+and+100+and+using+pronouns.++Answer+keys+are+included. + More+ready-to-use+Christmas+Math+&+ELA+printables,+including+this+freebie+and+many+more+Grade+3+Christmas+goodies,+can+be+found+in+the+It's+a+Grade+3+Christmas!
Twas' the Week Before Christmas
Erica Bohrer's First Grade: Twas' the Week Before Christmas Thank You Letters
40+ Famous Dr. Seuss Quotes: Download free posters and graphics for your favorite quotes by Dr. Seuss.
Fun activity for How the Grinch Stole Christmas: Students create a flip booklet in the shape of the Grinch's head. These Grinch templates are available on Unique Teaching Resources.
12 Days of Christmas Read Alouds
12 Days of Christmas Read Alouds - cute activities and freebies for 12 different books
Must Read Mentor Text: Snowflake Bentley and Pin It to Win It!
Reading response freebie on characters - so cute!