My own Makeup

First af all, I AM NOT A MAKEUP ARTIST! Therefore any critical comment is widely welcome :) :) This album contains my makeup pictures. I should say I always do the same makeup nowadays, but some year ago my makeup varied according to my feelings. Now doing the same makeup is a must for me since before going to work I have really little time to think about what to "draw" on my face :D So I go for a simple eyeliner and mascara :)
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Halloween sexy skull makeup
Only smudged eyeliner and light violet pencil
Halloween sexy skull makeup
Only smudged eyeliner and light violet pencil
after the ricin oil routine my cils are getting everytime longer! :) You only have to put ricin oil on an old mascara applicator and pass it on your naked cils.. you'll se the result! :) I also put little of ricin oil in my actual mascara to have a wider effect :)
My usual makeup: eyeliner + mascara! :)
This is a smokey eye with black, grey and white to pass the night out in winter :) The hat in the picture is really fluffy! In Italy we say colbacco, a typical russian hat. I believe " colbacco" is a Russian term :) it should be international but correct me if I'm wrong!
I remember that was the day I was going to collect my brother, returning from Sweden, to the airport.. This is simply an olive-green pencil with some eyeliner and mascara :)