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408K views · 37K reactions | | Kartoffel-Hähnchen-Auflauf |😍 einfach, cremig und unglaublich lecker! Rezept zum Speichern! Zutaten für den Kartoffelpüree: • 600 g Kartoffeln • 2 EL Butter • 150 ml Milch • Salz & Pfeffer Zutaten für das Hähnchen: • 500 g Hähnchenbrust • Öl zum Anbraten • Salz, Pfeffer, Chili & Paprika edelsüß Zutaten für die Béchamelsoße: • 40 g Butter • 1 EL Mehl • 350 ml Schlagsahne • Salz & Pfeffer Außerdem: • 50 g geriebener Cheddar • 100 g geriebener Mozzarella Zubereitung: 1. Kartoffelpüree vorbereiten: Die Kartoffeln schälen, halbieren, in Salzwasser weich kochen und abgießen. Mit Butter und Milch zu einem cremigen Püree stampfen, mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. 2. Hähnchen anbraten: Währenddessen das gewürfelte Hähnchen in einer Pfanne mit Öl anbraten. Mit Salz, Pfeffer, Chili und Paprika edelsüß würzen. Sobald das Fleisch gar ist, beiseitestellen. 3. Béchamelsoße zubereiten: In einem Topf die Butter schmelzen, dann das Mehl einrühren und kurz anschwitzen lassen. Unter Rühren die Schlagsahne langsam hinzufügen, bis eine cremige Soße entsteht. Mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. 4. Auflauf schichten: Zuerst das Kartoffelpüree hineingeben und gleichmäßig verteilen, dann das Hähnchenbrust darauf geben. Anschließend die Béchamelsauce darauf gießen. 5. Käse hinzufügen: Den Auflauf mit dem geriebenen Cheddar und Mozzarella bestreuen. 6. Backen: Im vorgeheizten Backofen bei 200 Grad Ober-/Unterhitze für 20-25 Minuten backen, bis der Käse goldbraun und knusprig ist. Guten Appetit! 😋 Danke für die Inspiration - @tuba_arslanoglu2210 ❤️ #yummy #tasty #food #instafood #lecker #kochen #backen #rezepte #kochenmitliebe #einfachkochen #ekmek #tarif #chicken #auflauf #hähnchenauflauf | | FOODBLOG - SHERIN | ♥️ | Armando Trovajoli · L'amore Dice Ciao (Dream Version)
3.5M views · 33K reactions | This recipe is amazing and has only 4 ingredients, you’re going to love it | This recipe is amazing and has only 4 ingredients, you’re going to love it | By Yum Yummy | Recipe is amazing and only has four ingredients. You're going to love it. I'll start by adding 4 eggs to a bowl, one table spoon of butter. Now, I'll mix the ingredients. Take your time. This recipe has a few steps where we need to mix the ingredients well. Do you know any special ingredients to make delicious desserts? I'd love to know. I'll add two cups of condensed milk. I'll keep mixing. It's very important to mix these ingredients for a good amount of time. So in the end they are well combined and you get the best possible result. The flavor will be truly amazing. Guys, I love this recipe. I'm sure you and your whole family will love it too. I make it every weekend and when I do, there's never any left. My family loves it and always asks me to make it again. Now, I'll add 300 grams of shredded coconut. I'll mix it well one last time. Did you see how easy it is to prepare good recipes with just a few ingredients? The first time I made it, everyone was amazed because it only has four ingredients. This is definitely the easiest and quickest recipe I've ever taught here. Do you remember learning to make something so tasty in such a short time? Feel free to tell me if you know any recipes that can be made in a few steps. I'd love to know. My friends always ask me to teach them how to make it because the result is so incredible. Now, I'll carefully pour our mixed ingredients into a glass dish. I'll spread the mixture evenly across the dish. You can do it just like I'm doing here. I'll bake it in the oven for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. After that time, our recipe is ready. Look how beautiful it turned out. If you follow all the steps the way I taught you, you will be amazed by the flavor of these ingredients. Try it and then let me know what you think. The recipe I taught today is amazing, quick, easy with just a few ingredients and best of all, it's delicious. There's no reason for you not to make it at home. The shredded coconut is the main ingredient of this recipe. It gives a special touch to the flavor and the smell is also wonderful. Tell me what you think of this recipe. Is there any ingredient you would add to it? I hope you liked it. Thank you so much for watching this video until the end. I'll see you in the next video. Bye.
1.2M views · 12K reactions | After learning this recipe I just make ground beef and potatoes this way | After learning this recipe I just make ground beef and potatoes this way | By Yum Yummy | After learning this recipe, I just make ground beef and potatoes this way. Let's start by cutting two potatoes into long slices. This way I'm doing it. Next, I'll put some olive oil in a pan. Let's add the cut potatoes and cook. You will be amazed at the result. I'll add a teaspoon of salt. Half a teaspoon of black pepper. And also a teaspoon of paprika. Do it at your house and then come back here to tell me what you think. Now in another pan, I'll put some olive oil. Add 350 grams of ground beef and fry. And before I forget, tell me which city you watch so I can send you a special hug. Today's hug goes to Lori Sharp. I'm glad you're enjoying our recipes. I'll add a chopped onion. Three cloves of garlic chopped and stir. Add a teaspoon of salt. Half a teaspoon of black pepper. A teaspoon of paprika and also a teaspoon of nutmeg. Let's mix all the ingredients very well. I will add half cut green bell pepper and also a chopped tomato. We're going to move real good. Next I will add 100 grams of tomato sauce and mix well. Using a few ingredients present in everyday life of anyone we can make an incredible and very tasty meal. I'll transfer the potato we prepared into a pan and spread it. I'll also add the meat we cooked. I doubt you've ever prepared a meat recipe with potatoes like this before. Now I'll add some mozzarella cheese on top of everything. The amount is to taste. To give a special touch, we will put a little oregano. Now just bake in 356 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes. And our recipe was already ready. Look what delight was. Perfect to share with your whole family at a lunch or even at a special dinner. I do it myself almost every week and when I do it, there's never anything left. It is impossible to eat only a piece of so good that it is after ready. You're coming back here to thank me for teaching you. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for watching this video so far. I'll see you in the next video. Bye.
172K views · 1.4K reactions | I’ve never had such delicious chicken, I’m going to show you the secret | I’ve never had such delicious chicken, I’m going to show you the secret | By Yum Yummy | Never had such delicious chicken. I'll show you the secret. I'm going to start by cutting two chicken breasts into strips. You'll be surprised by the result of this recipe. Stay until the end and you won't regret it. I'll place the sliced chicken into a bowl and keep it ready for the next steps of this recipe. I'm going to teach you the secret to making a great recipe with just a few ingredients. I learned this recipe when I was young and now I make it for my children and they love it. I'll add one egg to a bowl. I'll add one cup of heavy cream. I'll add three cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of mustard, 1 teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of black pepper, one teaspoon of oregano, 1 teaspoon of paprika, one table spoon of vanilla essence. I'll mix everything until these ingredients are well combined. You can do it just like I'm doing here. Look how beautiful it's turning out. Now I'll pour this mixture over all our sliced chicken. Spread it evenly over the chicken so that all the pieces are well coated. You can use a spatula to mix. I'll add another half cup of wheat flour. I'll mix one last time until it reaches this texture here. Tell me, would you add any other ingredient to this recipe? If you know any special seasoning secrets that go well with chicken, feel free to share. I'd love to know. I'm going to start frying our pieces of chicken. You can dip them a little more before putting them in the pan to cook. I love this recipe and I'm sure you and your whole family will love it too. I make it every weekend and there's never anything left. My family loves it and always ask me to make it again. After cooking one side, I'll flip all the pieces to cook the other side. The flavor of this combination of ingredients is truly delicious. Done. After cooking, I'll transfer all the pieces to a plate. You can use a lime to add a special touch to the flavor. It's up to you. Now, just call the family to try it out. I hope you like this recipe. Thank you so much for watching this video until the end. See you in the next video. Bye.
Easy Skillet Beef Pot Pie is the ultimate comfort food!
This Easy Skillet Beef Pot Pie is the ultimate comfort food dinner recipe made easy! It's filled with ground beef and vegetables in an easy homemade gravy and topped with biscuits. Plus, it's made in one skillet! It's sure to be a hit with the whole family! #comfortfood #potpie #dinner #easydinner #recipe #easyrecipe #groundbeef #biscuits #skillet #skillet #onepot #onepan #julieseatsandtreats
Beef & Potato Curry Recipe
Spice up your dinner routine with this Beef & Potato Curry recipe! Featuring tender beef, hearty potatoes, and a fragrant blend of Indian spices, this curry is a feast for the senses. Whether you're a curry connoisseur or trying Indian cuisine for the first time, this recipe is sure to impress!
The BEST Easy Fish Pie
Try this easy, creamy fish pie with mashed potatoes. An easy British classic perfect for easy dinner recipes. Simple and delicious!
Mushroom chowder
Savor the Best Mushroom Soup Recipes on Pinterest 🍜🍽️ Dive into our collection of the best mushroom soup recipes, featuring a variety of flavors and textures. Ideal for both beginners and experienced cooks, these recipes are sure to impress. #MushroomSoup #EasyRecipes #SoupRecipes
139K views · 1.2K reactions | Einfacher als Sie sich vorstellen. Das beste Vorspeisenrezept aus Blätterteig Zutaten: Blätterteig: 700 g Schinken: 200 g Käse: 200 g Käse: 100 g Frischkäse: 100 g Eier: 1 St Petersilie: 10 g | | · Original audio
178K views · 2.2K reactions | Now that's the only way I cook the meat, and the family loves it! Ingredients: beef: 700 g (25 oz) butter: 150 g (5.3 oz) OVER MEDIUM FIRE: 40 MIN onion: 2 pc garlic: 1 pc mustard: 40 g (1.4 oz) salt: 10 g (0.4 oz) black pepper: 5 g (0.2 oz) sweet paprika: 10 g (0.4 oz) soy sauce: 40 ml (1.4 fl oz) water: 100 ml (3.4 fl oz) starch: 50 g (1.8 oz) water: 100 ml (3.4 fl oz) scallions: 30 g (1.1 oz) parsley: 20 g (0.7 oz) | | · Original audio
8.9M views · 63K reactions | Better than pizza! Just grate the potatoes! | Better than pizza! Just grate the potatoes! | By CucaCook | Facebook