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23 reactions · 3 comments | Neutral Heart Decor DIY | Neutral Heart Decor DIY | By We Craft Around | Hey everybody it's Beth. Today I'm using this heart from Dollar Tree. Scrapbook paper and little clearance shelf sitter from Hobby Lobby. I took these 10 millimeter half round beads. Those I got from Amazon. I placed them along the back edge of the little shelf sitter house and used gel super glue from Dollar Tree to attach them. I then used French linen chalk paint to paint it. I did two coats and I'm doing everything except for where I'm going to be adding the scrapbook paper. I just did the border in case I cut it a little too short which I knew I was probably going to do. I cut down the scrapbook paper and applied a layer of Mod Podge which is going to be the front of my project but is technically the back of the shelf sitter. So I applied a generous layer because it's thicker paper. Placed down my scrapbook paper. Smooth it out the best I could with my hands. And then use my heating tool to dry it. And while it was still really warm from the heating tool I used some saran wrap to smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles. After that was dry, I did an outer layer of Mod Podge on the paper. I then made sure that layer was dried completely. And at first I was going to use this lighter heart I got from Dollar Tree but I had this other one and I liked the color the way it matched better. So I ended up going with this one. And I just added some hot glue onto the center of the paper and placed down the heart. And that's it for this project. Thank you so much for watching.
489K views · 6.2K reactions | Shabby chic heart for Valentine's day 💜🦋 I had this idea in my head for a while now and finally gave it a try. It didn't turn out exactly how I imagined but I wanted to share it anywho in case it sparks an idea for you! I absolutely love the little butterfly lights from Dollar General! The mini fence I hung it on is made from shims! #shabbychic #rusticdecor #RusticCharm #valentinesday #craftideas #valentinescrafts #springcrafting #springdiy #driedflowers #springdecor | Love Crafted Decor
The Tattered Nook Sharing Page By Grace And Tattered Lace | Vintage quiet heart pillow | Facebook
20K views · 574 reactions | You’ll Be Amazed! 💫 Add Vibrancy to Your Home Decor with Captivating Crafts 🧶🌟 | You’ll Be Amazed! 💫 Add Vibrancy to Your Home Decor with Captivating Crafts 🧶🌟 #HomeArt #craft #decor #design #handmade #art #creative | By Talent Girl | Facebook
163K views · 19K reactions | HERZEN ♥️💕 Ob bauchig und mit richtigen Rundungen oder schlank und gestreckt.....Herzen machen doch immer eine gute Figur, oder? Ich verwende für meine Holzsägearbeiten immer alte Restbestände an Holz, deshalb gibt bei mir die Breite des Brettes immer die Form des Herzens vor. Tipp: ....die Konservendose wird je nach Jahreszeit ausdekoriert, so hat man das ganze Jahr über Freude an seiner kreativen Handarbeit. Alternativ verwende ich auch gerne einmal künstliche Blumen wenn sie natürlich aussehen. Mit Naturmaterialien kombiniert,wirken doch die Schneeglöckchen ziemlich echt....oder? Verwendet ihr auch gelegentlich Kunstblumen in euren Dekorationen? Liebe Grüße Eure Birgit 🧑‍🦰💕 Titel: Free Bird Künstler: Christian Davis Link: https://www.facebook.com/sound/collection/?sound_collection_tab=sound_tracks&asset_id=402168332495550&reference=artist_attr #herz #holzwerken #holzherz #holz #holzarbeiten #heart #winterdekoration #holzliebe #upcycled #upcycling #upcycle #schneeglöckchen #geschenkidee #geschenk #present #gestaltung #dekoidee #floralinspiration #mydiymydecor #naturalcrafts #geschenkidee #naturdeko #dekoinspiration #winterdekoration #winterdeko #selbstgemacht #einfachschön | Birgit Helbig
BUTTON ART CENTRAL | Made some hearts with wooden buttons | Facebook
83K views · 1.9K reactions | Rustic Heart Decor DIY | Rustic Heart Decor | By We Craft Around | Hey everybody, it's Beth. Today I'll be using this five by seven frame and doily from Dollar Tree. I coffee stained the doily and let that dry. I took the glass from the frame and painted one side of it with burnt umber acrylic paint. I just gave that good coverage. I painted it with a paint brush at first but then went over it with my craft sponge just to remove all those paint streaks. Next I took Mod Podge and added a generous layer to the painted side of the glass and then placed down the doily. I use my heating tool to dry it and if you don't have a heating tool, a hair dryer works just as well. Once I had that just about dry, I had removed the excess from around the glass. Next I took this heart-shaped plaque also from Dollar Tree and painted just around the edge of that with the same burnt number. Paint and I did two coats on that. And I painted one side of this heart cutout which I don't remember where I got it from. It could have been Hobby Lobby. But Dollar Tree does have some similar. Next I traced out the top part of that heart on the scrapbook paper I had left over which I got that from Hobby Lobby. I cut that piece out and added a layer of Mod Podge to the top of the heart and placed down the scrapbook paper. Dried it completely with my heating tool and then did an outer layer of Mod Podge drying that as well. Next I haul glued the smaller heart to the larger one. Getting it as centered as possible. I then hawk glued that whole piece to the doily. And I wanted to add just a dash of color. So I took this flower that I got from Hobby Lobby. And glue that to the heart. Place back this cardboard on the back of the glass and place that all back in the frame. And that's it for this project. Thank you so much for watching.
516K views · 10K reactions | Decorative lavendel case tutorial 🥰 | Decorative lavendel case tutorial 🥰 | By Hobby Knitting Decoration Ideas | Facebook
DIY Valentine shelf sitter | I am onto some Valentine crafting. Here is an easy and inexpensive craft using some scrap wood. | By Booxie & Button Designs | Happy Tuesday everyone. I am already starting to do some Valentine crafts. I found this piece of scrap wood in my stash and thought it would be cute as a little shelf sitter. And all I'm going to do is paint the whole thing brown. Give it a quick dry. And then I'm going to go over it with plaster. I did not apply any wax. I didn't apply any Vaseline. I just tried to really do a thin layer over the entire surface because I will end up sanding it down. Hoping that the brown will show through. Once I got that dry, I'll just take my sander and go over the surface and I'm going to sand it as much as I can until I'm satisfied with the look. You can do as little or as much as you want. And then I'm going to take this little piece of it's a piece of fabric that I cut into the shape of a heart. And all I'm going to do is go around the edges and kind of sand it up. Give it a little bit of a rough look. This would be really cute too if you were to stuff it. Put it on there. Put a little bit of filling in there. But in my case I decided just to keep it as is. Grab a little bit of Mod Podge. I tried to go light on the Mod Podge because sometimes it'll seep through the fabric and it doesn't really look that good. So I tried to keep it really light. Think I got this fabric from Hobby Lobby. Once I got that done, I grabbed my Kills Dark Ceiling Wax. You can get this on Amazon. This is also a step you can skip. Not everybody likes the dirty and grungy look but all I do is just go around the edges. Just add a little bit of something on there. And then these are two wooden beads. I couldn't find my skewers so I grabbed a paper clip to hold them. I'm going to paint one red, the other one white. And then once I'm done with that, I'll just give em a really quick dry Then I'll grab some twine. Wrap it around the block a few times. I almost made a mistake here and I almost cut those strings off but I need them for my beads here. So I'll tie a knot on each one. And I'm trying to make the one a little bit longer just so it hangs a little uneven. Glue that center down a little bit and then I'll take my bowdabra. I'm going to grab the Dollar Tree lace. I I just really love this this lace. It's probably my favorite. Make a couple of loops here. And then I'll grab some twine. I thought fabric might be too much for this craft so I just kind of stuck with the small stuff. Then here I'll just go ahead and try to fluff up my bow a little bit. Now I'll go ahead and trim it up. Then of course we gotta we have to add a little bit of greenery in there. This is the berry bush that we all get from Hobby Lobby but I don't think that they make anymore. And then this is just a piece of rusted wire. It's very very thin. I just thought it would be a fun little element to put in this craft. It's really nothing other than just another texture. And so I just looped it all up and put it behind the greenery there. You could even put a cinnamon stick or some berries in there. Whatever whatever you want. Then I grab a little tag and I'm just going to write XOXO on there. I always have to grunge up my tags a little bit just to kind of tie it in with the rest of the craft. I had to go over it again. It was kind of light. Then I found a button. I'll get that all glued down. And here you have yourself a cute little shelfsetter for Valentine's Day. Thank you all so much for watching. I appreciate it.
122K views · 374 reactions | 😯Look what I made from my old jeans😍great recycling idea👌💯💯 | 😯Look what I made from my old jeans😍great recycling idea👌💯💯 | By Hobby Knitting | Facebook
253K views · 5K reactions | Revutska Svitlana on Reels | Revutska Svitlana · Original audio