Inspirational Quotes

Quotes that inspire me
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There are a million reasons we’re hard on ourselves and how we look. Even psychologically, we aren’t used to seeing our own face except in mirror image, so we often don’t recognize the person looking back at us through a photo. We aren’t witnesses to our own joy or our own sorrow. And it isn’t always easy to fall in love with ourselves again and again as we change and grow and age. But your photographers are desperately trying to show you the beauty that others see in you, how that thing you d
Hey, you! I’m sure you have a lot on your plate today, like answering copious amounts of emails, but I just wanted to remind you to add one more thing to your to-do list… to be AMAZING! Of course, it won’t be hard… I mean, look at you! 🤩 Like this post, if this was the encouragement you needed today. #InspiringQuotes #MantraMonday #MondayMotivation #MotivationalQuote #MotivationMonday #WordSwag
Real Talk. I was 43 when I gave up my corporate career to pursue my lifelong dream of being a full-time photographer. And here I am killing it! What are you dreaming about this week? #InspiringQuotes #MantraMonday #MondayMotivation #MotivationalQuote #MotivationMonday #WordSwag
Bet you didn't know I was a health guru did you?! Joking aside, other people's opinions don't pay your bills, nor do they put food on your table and you should definitely not let them define you! Sometimes they are helpful and sometimes you just have to move past them. Do you agree? P.S. the best thing about this weight loss programme is that you can still eat cake! #InspiringQuotes #MantraMonday #MondayMotivation #MotivationalQuote #MotivationMonday #WordSwag
In a world obsessed with beauty we should all remember this. Who's up for being really beautiful this week? #InspiringQuotes #MantraMonday #MondayMotivation #MotivationalQuote #MotivationMonday #WordSwag
What scares you? As a kid, I was terrified of monsters under my bed and these days, I’m probably most scared of failure. I might have overcome my fear of the bogeyman, but I take on fear of failure by constantly asking myself 'what's the worst that could happen? What scares you, friend, and what gives you the courage to face it? #InspiringQuotes #MantraMonday #MondayMotivation #MotivationalQuote #MotivationMonday #WordSwag
Let's get real... We are often taught to be competitive and smash our way through the glass ceiling but a candle loses none of its brightness by lighting another candle. Does it? Yes, she might go on and be even more successful than you. So what? I used to love it in my corporate job when I mentored or coached people and saw them get to far greater heights than I ever did - I liked to think I had a hand in their success. I will always help other small businesswomen and other photographers as
Get your wedding glow on
What bride doesn't want to glow on her wedding day? I mean obviously, she will be glowing with happiness but my latest blog shares some top tips to ensure glowing skin. Click on the link below to read. 👇🏻
Can I be honest for a minute? I used to be that girl. I dragged myself to work when I was ill. I answered emails whilst on holiday, at the weekends, in the evenings. I thought I was irreplaceable. Spoiler alert...I was totally replaceable and so are you. But to the people at home, we aren't replaceable. So I focus my time now where it matters most. to the people that matter most to me. Do you do the same? #InspiringQuotes #MantraMonday #MondayMotivation #MotivationalQuote #MotivationMonday #
Can I be honest with you? There are some things about these past few years I have increased sense of community spirit, shopping more locally, seeing friends with much less commuter stress, table service at pubs...I could go on. As governments introduce their 'living with Covid' measures let's take stock of what we've learned about ourselves and each other during this time and not automatically rush back to the way it was before. What are you going to keep as part of your 'new nor
Bit of real talk coming at you this #ValentinesDay2022. I don't know who Susan Jeffers is but boy oh boy did her quote stop me in my tracks when I saw it. Whatever your relationship status until we learn to love and heck even like ourselves, how can we expect others to do the same? It took me a long time to place that sticker on the mirror and an even longer time to let the message sink in. Self-love isn’t always the easiest, but sometimes, it’s important to look at yourself in the mirror a
Hands up if this gives you the feels 🙋🏻‍♀️ Towards the end of my career in banking, I had a female boss who asked me quite seriously one day at a 1:1 meeting why I felt the need to do so much for charitable causes, and was it because I didn't have children of my own! That was the final straw in a long line of straws that was the beginning of the end of me ever working for a large corporate again. Do you have any stories of empathy (or lack of) that you'd like to share, friend? #InspiringQu
You know that moment when you think of the PERFECT thing to say… but it’s too late because the moment passes you by? Been there! My ego has been bruised many times from kicking myself for not speaking up at the right time. The good news is, I’ve learned a thing or two that I hope you find encouraging. Here are three lessons I’ve learned from not speaking up: 🎙Your unique perspective may cause someone to see it differently 🎙Someone will benefit from your story 🎙Speaking up empowers someone