Old Testament FF

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Gideon and His Army Of 300
Gideon and His Army Of 300: Includes crafts, coloring pages, puzzles, lesson plans. http://www.calvary-kids-pages.com/Judges-Gideon.html
God Called Samuel Exploring Bible History
God called Samuel : http://www.familytrust.org.uk/downloads/2010term3/week3.pdf for template
Lesson - Deborah, A Female Prophet (Song)
Deborah, a female judge. God delivers His people again from their enemies. Children's bible lessons straight from the Bible! Take a look and share!
Gideon Toilet Paper Roll Craft
Gideon paper roll craft change to wheat and cotton ball in his hand for week 1 of Gideon
E280: Gideon's lantern - Proverbs 3:6; Judges 6-8. Fold the paper hotdog style. On the folded side cut strips about an inch from the open side. Open folded paper and bring the shorter edges together.
Samson the Strong Judge
Samson the Strong Judge Craft print out Samson picture, hole punch and have kids weave Samson's hair. (Idea: put a Bible verse on the paper)
Something Great is Coming Soon
free printable bible coloring page of gideon | Bible Lesson: More
Abraham the First Hebrew - Bible History
The Old Testament explains the stories of the gods and goddesses and how they came to be. This article talks about Abraham and his son Isacc