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SAVE 53% NOW! I LOVE this 100% cotton yarn!
Sultan Deluxe is therefore incredibly suited for e.g. shawls and scarves since the long color transition will appear beautifully. Where the hue changes, you will see a tiny knot in one of the 4 twined strands that the yarn consists of. You can choose to ignore it which many crafters choose, or you can pull out a tiny bit of the yarn (the entire twined strand) in order to weave in the end at the back of your work.
Learn to Crochet: Two Color i-Cord
Quick and easy two color icord that can be turned into candy canes or a simple holiday themed garland. Instructions in comments.
This may contain: the needles are next to the hole in the knitted material that has been stitched together
Как незаметно избавиться от дыры на вязанном изделии
Difficulty: Medium Материалы: • Нить хлопковая тонкая, для основания • Нить в цвет и толщину вязанного изделия
Mini Sweater Ornament Free Knitting Pattern
You can download Mini Sweater Ornament Knitting Pattern for free Christmas #knitting #christmas #ornament