
54 Pins
Surrounding yourself with superficial or negative people.
Do you think the real magic makers and game changers would allow you to continue thinking small? Or keep you focused on your body's flaws? Or pay attention to every stretch mark instead of noticing how strong and toned your arms are? NOPE. If you're surrounding yourself with people who bring you down instead of lift you up, please know that it's okay to step away or nip that sh*t in the bud at any time. Trust us when we say you don't need that kind of negativity in your life. (Via Pinterest.)
Inspiring Female Athletes Showing Us How to Break Our Own Barriers - RunToTheFinish
.When you are living the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best versions of themselves.
LifeAndStylePrint - Etsy
Doesn't matter how hard you try to break the door down; if it's not meant for you it's not going to work. Let it be.
11 Minute-a-Day Habits That Will Make Your Life Better | eHow
11 Minute-a-Day Habits That Will Make Your Life Better | eHow Extras