
85 Pins
It's also just hair, dude. Unless you're Rapunzel from Tangled, it'll grow back.
SOO many women look at my short hair and tell me they want to try short hair, but are afraid to do it... Go for it!! It's just hair! It will grow back! You will never know unless you try :)
I don't regret burning my bridges. I regret that some people weren't on those bridges when I burnt them.
People think I'm too patronizing. %28That means I talk down to people%29
So funny!
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Are These The 43 Funniest GIFs Of All Time?
and as my dad always says.... "why can't you drink and drive? Because you'll spill your beer". True story. I love saying that. He'll ask me and I'll respond and all of the other people are thinking "oh myyyy! a little 13 year old girl is answering about not wanting to spill beer!! oh dear me".
Funny Pictures Of The Day 90 Pics Hey, Becky.....does this look familiar?!!! wish you got on pinterest LOL LOL MOO