Hair twist styles

173 Pins
When that creativity sparks I just let it blow 🥰💯. My client requested triangle AND a star loc and I personally think this eats Style: starter locs (20-40) + star loc Location: Conyers, Ga Interested in booking? All new clients must join the waitlist. Link and Prices in in my bio 🤍 🚨BE SURE TO READDD THE POLICY🚨 - - follow (@jayslayedthat) for more - - - #jayslayedthat #starterlocsatl #starterlocstyles #starterlocs #curlylocs #locs #locstyles #loctransformation
Starter Locs: Styling Methods and Maintenance of Tender Locks
Starter locs are the first stage of growing locs. As Locs hairstyles have emerged as a super-fancy, unique, and popular hairstyle these days, stylish and beauty-conscious people are rushing towards these hairstyles. But growing locs is a little bit frustrating, error-prone, complicated, and time-consuming. Well, you will know the because gradually if you already don’t. But once you have grown your locs, it will be great fun wearing them. #starterlocs #starterlocks #locs #locsstyles