Luna Love: All things Moon!

Moon meanings, moon quotes, lunar rituals, meditations, moon jewelry and fashion, and other items related to the Moon!
18 Pins
2 Sections
Celestial Phases of the Moon Temporary Transfer Tattoos two Sets Plus Quote I Would Give You the Moon - Etsy
Phases of the Moon Temporary Transfer Tattoos 1 by ElvenChronicle
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A down-the-spine temporary tattoo of the phases of the moon to show off a backless dress. Photo: Etsy
Phases of the moon tattoo together with the Latin adage
Phases of the moon tattoo together with the Latin adage "Si vis pacem, para bellum", translated as, "If you want peace, prepare for war".
Moon Phase Temporary Tattoo Moon Temporary Tattoo Moon Phase Gift Moon Gift Bohemian Gift Festival Accessoire Festival Fashion - Etsy
This moon phase temporary tattoo looks amazing on your arm or wrist. Its cute and stylish at the same time! A temporary tattoo for any occasion!
Life changing hand drawn art by the infamous Emily Deechaleune!!! Insta: @heyemilydee :) This High-Def Print design is made with high-quality, 100% spun polyester that delivers the look and feel of or
Wishing everyone all the powers of the Winter Solstice. May your next 6 months 'spiritual rebirth' be spectacular!