
Loving yourself means accepting and valuing who you are, flaws and all. It's about treating yourself with kindness, compassion, and understanding. When you celebrate yourself, you are acknowledging all the amazing things that make you unique. You are recognizing your strengths and accomplishments and taking the time to appreciate them. You are also giving yourself permission to be happy and proud of who you are. 📸 by lavenderthebook
New Moon Aquarius
Hands up for all the Aquarius. - It`s your New Moon! ♒ The January New Moon in Aquarius is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. It falls at the beginning of the astrological year, making it an excellent time to set intentions and plan for the coming months. Aquarius is an air sign known for its forward-thinking and innovative nature. With the New Moon in this sign, you may feel inspired to break free from old patterns and try something new.
The Heart Chakra
Several physical signs may indicate that your heart chakra is out of balance. These can include: ❤️Chest pain or tightness ❤️Breathing difficulties: The heart chakra is associated with the respiratory system ❤️Issues with the immune system: The heart chakra is also associated with the immune system ❤️Upper back and shoulder pain ❤️Heart palpitations: The heart chakra is linked to the physical heart ❤️Insomnia ❤️Lack of love and compassion
Daily sign of being thankful for something that you have at the moment or something that happened today. Leave a comment down below to encourage others to do so. ⬇️ 📸 by Gabriel Rosa
Obstacles are a natural part of life and serve a greater purpose than just causing pain and discomfort. We gain confidence in ourselves and our abilities when we overcome an obstacle. We learn to trust ourselves and the universe. We know that we can do much more than we ever thought possible. Through this process of overcoming obstacles, we learn to let go of fear. It's important to remember that the universe is always working in our favor, even when things may not seem to be going well.
Today's gentle reminder ✨ It's time to take control of your life and step into your own light. You are the only one who has the power to shape your reality and create the life you desire. It's not always easy to do this, but it's important to remember that you are strong and capable of making your own choices. It's time to let go of any doubts or fears that are holding you back and embrace your true potential. Own your life and make the most of it. It's time to shine! 📸 by lavender the book
How did I start my breathwork and meditation? Well, I had this inner sense at a very young age, that I felt that there was something more than just the "traditional" way of living and having senses. Somehow, my inner self was talking to me and giving me signs. When I was 18 years old, after a near-fatal accident, I discovered how to use my maximum mental and physical capacity. For 20 years I have devoted my life to spreading techniques to make health and happiness achievable for everyone.
Everything is connected. Everything is energy. Your body, your mind, your energy, your higher self, the universe, the world - everything is connected. One of the best ways to manifest the life you wish is to tune into the right frequency. Once you are at the right frequency, everything will start to unfold. Join my QiGong or Breathwork course this year, and discover the new world.
As we embark on this new journey, the year 2023, it is essential to remember that real growth and transformation come from within. It is not the changing of the calendar that brings about meaningful change, but rather the willingness to look within and do the inner work. So as you begin this new year, take a moment to reflect on the person you wish to become. What qualities do you want to cultivate? What habits do you want to change?
Anulom Vilom
Getting in the flow: Understanding Anulom Vilom. Anulom Vilom or Nadi Shodhana is a Pranayama practice where we breathe through alternate nostrils. This article aims to simplify and lay out the benefits of this practice to help you understand and optimize this technique. You can watch the full video on YouTube:
It`s life, and it`s a journey. It`s not a bad life; it's not a good life. You and your soul are here to turn these challenges into something new. Something that can make us better and helps us to reach a higher level. Without the hard times, none of us would be here today. Giving birth to another being is already difficult and painful, but the outcome is the most beautiful gift. The moment you are facing complex challenges in your life, thank these challenges.
Love: the purest and most powerful energy. Without love and care, nothing grows. The highest form of energy on this planet is love. All energy vibrates at different levels, but love vibrates at the highest frequency. In our lives, we often forget to pay attention to our surroundings, but if we stop what we are doing for a moment, we can feel the energy of love all around us. This year, write down in your calendar to LOVE more. Love your partner, love your family, love your pets, love your..
The first full moon of 2023 - WOLF Moon. Imagine taking full advantage of the power of this moon. It will set you on the right track for the rest of the year. The full moon's energy is unique and intense due to the fact that the moon is fully illuminated during this phase. This is different from the energy during other lunar phases, which may not be as intense. The core of our being will feel this vibration. We might also feel a shift in our spiritual life on a day like this.
Being in natural environments has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood and increase feelings of vitality. One reason for these benefits may be that spending time in nature allows people to disconnect from technology and modern life, allowing for relaxation and restoration. Nature can also provide a sense of awe and wonder, which has been linked to increased happiness and feelings of connectedness to the world around us. 🌿🌲🌻 Join our retreats under
The mind & emotional system are intimately connected. A thought produces an emotion; an emotion triggers a thought, a memory,an imagination, which creates an emotion again. In short, thoughts and emotions keep ping-ponging back and forth. Your body is connected with the mind and emotions as well. An emotion triggers all sorts of responses in the physical body; it changes the breath, heart rate, relaxes or tenses the muscles, and releases certain stress hormones or near transmitters.