sims 4 hair female: maxis match recolor

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@enriques4 ‘s puk hair recoloured as per anon’s request here are some hairs coloured in the plain saccharine palette. this is probably my favourite shaved hair so enjoy! • all 16 swatches from the...
all female hairs and 99.99% are wavy goddamn this is a set of recolours of @simplifiedsimi‘s, @aharris00britney​’s, @rusty-sims‘, @rosebud1773‘s, @sweettacoplumbob’s and @grimcookies‘ hairs.
HAIR RECOLOUR DUMP #6 meshes required: high ponytail / jisoo / auli’i / 90s babe • coming in my “shades of coffee” palette • meshes not included • do not claim as your own & do not re-upload download...
Semi-mini CC Dump | Hair Recolors• @pastry-box‘s saccharine palette • 16 swatches • meshes: (you’ll need both the clay and mesh version for the first two hairs) 1 clayified & mesh | 2 clayified & mesh...
@simlaughlove‘s double threat braids recoloured my first ever recolour so please let me know if anything is wrong!! i’m also planning to recolour and dump a bunch of ea hairs in this palette so...
Sweet Taco Plumbobs #3 Hair - Recolored/Retextured
Sweet Taco Plumbobs #3 Hair - Recolored/Retextured• 30 of my natural colors + black and white • New texture • Standalone • Mesh is by sweettacoplumbobs grab it HERE “DOWNLOAD - Dropbox 3.81MB DOWNLOAD...
Nolan-Sims Hairs RecolorsYou will need the following meshes for the recolors to work correctly. Some of the meshes require you to have some packs installed, so make sure to double check that. 1 | 2&3...
Dine Out Hair RecolorsAll of the hairs from the Dine Out gamepack recolored in my 65 color palette. Requires you to own Dine Out in order for the recolors to work properly :) Download
grimcookies’s natalia hairs recoloredI have a giant hoard of recolors in my mods folder that are ready to be released, but these are the first one’s I’m releasing! The meshes are by @grimcookies, thank you for allowing recolors!! - ̗̀ important info...
Backyard Stuff Hair RecolorsAll of the hairs from backyard stuff (except for the ombre boy hair because it just looked awful) recolored in 65 colors. Requires the stuff pack in order for the recolors...
1.8k Followers Gift - Rosé Buns and Iridescent Ponytail Yall I reached 1.8 followers! Tbh I’m so grateful because when I started this blog I didn’t expect to have so many followers and friends! So...
curly hairs recolored (kiarazurk’s long & funny twists) >Each have custom thumbnails and come in the saccharine palette made by @pastry-box BOTH MESHES NEEDED long twists mesh ; dropbox -...
🌿 @kismet-sims‘s 3k hairs recoloured 🌿 y am i on a cc making binge?? i’ve been waiting for more hairs to recolour so here’s a prime pick of some fab hairs, now available in the saccharine palette.
Natalia hairs.
N A T A L I A H A I R S / 7000 F O L L O W E R S G I F T S“a casual pushed back hairstyle in wavy & straight variants. (preview) ” • in EA colours & @pastry-box‘s saccharine palette (separate .package) • basegame compatible • the v2 packages are the...
GrimCookies’ Diana and Wildspits’ Summer Hair - Recolored/Retextured
GrimCookies’ Diana and Wildspits’ Summer Hair - Recolored/Retextured• 30 of my natural colors + black and white • Enhanced Texture • Standalone with custom catalog thumbnails • Diana Mesh by...