Childcare activities

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“What should we build today?” Construction area interactive display with ideas and inspiration for the children to plan their designs. We have paper and clipboards for them to draw their models and post-it notes for them to label their creations! “DO NOT TOUCH MY MODEL!”
Outdoor Spaces for your Home Based Childcare
This space brings together an interesting range of items to promote experimentation of sound. Much more interesting than a "music" wall of old pots and pan that really only produce noise.
The Little Learners Approach - showing children where to look but not what to see - Reggio approach
We show children where to look but not what to see…This simple phrase has become part of our philosophy, which feeds into our approach and is who we are today as a setting. Our approach was originally inspired by the Reggio Approach, but we have developed and fine-tuned it over the years and we fully expect to continue enhancing and adapting, because no matter how good you think you are, you can always be better. At the end of the day we are providing care and education for children in their ...
Home - New Horizons Preschool
Dinosaur small world play - love the screening around the base! Gives it real character.
Music Wall (R.I.P. Music Tree)
Cool ideas for a music wall...but your neighbors might hate you... :) It might be cool to do this to a classroom wall though...