Author Portraits

A collection of our "Writers at Work" series, some of the most revealing self-portraits in literature
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A Letter from Delmore Schwartz to James Laughlin
Delmore Schwartz was born on December 8, 1913. From our archive, an excerpt from his letters to publisher James Laughlin.
A Microinterview with Nell Zink
Nell Zink: “I was always a bit concerned about purity of essence. I never wanted a job that might affect the way I wrote or thought.”
Rilke and the Lions
Rainer Maria Rilke. Read an excerpt from his short work “The Lion Cage.”
An Interview with Michael Hofmann
Michael Hofmann: “Poetry is much more about remaking or realigning the past than it is about charting the contemporary scene. It’s a long game.”
The Art of Poetry No. 77
RIP Mark Strand. In memory, read his poem “After Our Planet.”
An Interview with Shelly Oria
Shelly Oria: “A truly successful impersonation is the kind where the impersonator starts believing her own lie. In that moment, that lie has become, at least to some extent, true.”
A Fake Oral History of Allen Tate
A fake oral history of poet Allen Tate, who was born today in 1899.
Assorted Hijinks: An Interview with Dick Cavett - The Paris Review
Dick Cavett: “I had the awful realization, I don’t know what I sound like. Eventually, mercifully, you learn, because you have to.”
The Morning News Roundup for November 10, 2014
Aldous Huxley doing calisthenics; Borges beneath a ponderous storm cloud; James Ellroy behind a lamp with no shade on it … and other portraits that give the lie to this idea that writers don’t photograph well.
Cover Model
A look at T: The New York Times Style Magazine’s newest cover model: Philip Roth.
Henry Green, The Art of Fiction No. 22
Henry Green, who was born on this day in 1905: “If you can make the reader laugh he is apt to get careless and go on reading.”
God, Satan, Waugh - The Paris Review
Evelyn Waugh was born today in 1903. Read about his friendly rivalry with author Graham Greene: “You know, Graham, you’ve made more money out of the Devil than I’ve made out of God.”
Ursula K. Le Guin, The Art of Fiction No. 221
Ursula K. Le Guin was born on this day in 1929: “I think sometimes about old painters—they get so simple in their means. Just so plain and simple. Because they know they haven’t got time. One is aware of this as one gets older. You can’t waste time.”