Looking for fun debate topics for teens? Discover thought-provoking debate questions for high school, middle school, and college students, plus interesting debate topics for kids to inspire critical thinking. 100 Best Debate Topics for High School, College, and Middle School Students. Debates are an exciting way for students to build critical thinking, public speaking, and persuasion skills. Whether you're a teacher looking to spark classroom discussions or a student preparing for a debate competition, having the right debate topics is essential. To help you prepare, we’ve compiled a list of the 100 fun debate topics for high school, middle school, and college students, along with a few fun and thought-provoking options for kids. Debate Questions High School, Interesting Topics To Write About, Public Speaking Topics Ideas, Debate Topics For High School, Interesting Topics To Research, Fun Debate Topics, Public Speaking Topics, Debate Topics For Kids, Writing Prompts For Teens