Salmon & Steelhead Flies

Salmon and Steelhead are some of the toughest fighting fish that swim. Most Salmon Flies are designed to draw attention and irritate the fish until they strike out of aggression since most of these fish don't actually feed once they enter fresh water to run up river and spawn.
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Cossaboom - The Cossaboom Fly is a bright classic salmon pattern that continues to produce fish in clear water situations.
Copper Top
Copper Top - A proven pattern on Oregon's Deschutes River, the Copper Top or Train is an indispensable Northwest steelhead fly.
Burgin Bugger, Cone Head, Halloween
Burgin Bugger, Cone Head, Halloween - This is a newer version of the classic Bugger tie. The Halloween Burgin Bugger incorporates a realistic two tone tail, a flashy krystal chenile body and lifelike rubberlegs. These features along with the cone head give it a natural look that resembles sculpin, leeches, crayfish and more making it one of the most versatile streamers available.
Copper John Nymph, BH, Jumbo, RL, Golden
Jumbo Wired Golden Copper John - a heavy nymph that will often get to the bottom without needing extra weight. The curved design makes the fly bounce along the bottom without getting hung and keeps the fish on after it is hooked. This two tone version of the popular Copper John excels in waters with stoneflies and is one of the best golden stone nymphs available. The realistic body along with lifelike rubber legs gives the fly a natural look that fish find irresistible.
Flash Fly, Cranberry
Flash Fly, Cranberry - The Cranberry Flash Fly has quickly become a favorite pattern of Steelhead and Salmon fishing enthusiasts all over the world. Initially created as a Silver Salmon pattern this fly, in a number of variations has shown it's effectiveness with all types of fish. Rising through the pattern ranks this fly with its bright coloration is a proven fly that has become a must have in the fly boxes of many fly fishermen.
Freight Train
Freight Train Fly - utilizes a proven combination of colors and a classic profile. This is another effective Northwestern steelhead and salmon pattern.
Jumbo Critter-Blue/Black
Jumbo Critter - tied with highly attractive color schemes, the dumbbell eyes get it down. Stinger-hook design keeps the hook toward the rear of the fly and improves hookups and hookup-to-landing ratios by eliminating the ability of the fish to leverage the hook and pop it free.
Clouser Deep Minnow, Pink-White
Clouser Deep Minnow, Pink/White - The Clouser Minnow is one of the most versatile streamer patterns in the world. Mostly known as a saltwater pattern, the effective Clousers have become very popular with freshwater anglers as well.
Egg, Clown
Clown Egg Fly - a great roe pattern for waters that have spawning fish. This newer color has quickly become one of the most effective all around egg patterns. There is no condition where at least one of the colors will not stand out and this will help increase your catch rate. Whether you are fishing a famous Steelhead run, your local river or even the gravel point on the nearby lake, the fish have learned that these glowing orbs are a tasty meal.
Fish Taco-Black
Fish Taco - casts easy, moves well in light winter inside flows and won't spook fish in low water. Fishes well on sink tips to put us in the steelhead zone.
Egg, Bright Pink
Egg, Bright Pink - a great roe pattern for waters that have spawning fish. Whether you are fishing a famous Steelhead run, your local river or even the gravel point on the nearby lake, the fish have learned that these glowing orbs are an tasty meal.
Jumbo Critter-Pink/Orange
Jumbo Critter - tied with highly attractive color schemes, dumbbell eyes get it down. Stinger-hook design keeps the hook toward the rear of the fly and improves hookups and hookup-to-landing ratios by eliminating the ability of the fish to leverage the hook and pop it free. #fly #fishing
Dredger, Lead Eye, Black/Chartreuse
Dredger, Lead Eye, Black/Chartreuse - The two-tone Black/Chartreuse Dredger fly is a versatile all around streamer and is extremely effective for Salmon and Steelhead. The vivid contrasting colors will trigger strikes and make this a top producing fly in any water condition. The lead eyes keep the hook riding up and will let this fly drag along the bottom and over rocks. Steelhead Anglers find the weight and snag resistance to be a great benefit when using the newer indicator techniques.
Salmon & Steelhead Flies - Page 3
Egg, Golden Nugget - a great roe pattern for waters that have spawning fish. This is one of the top producing egg colors. Almost every freshwater fish will eat eggs whether you are fishing in famous Steelhead run, your local river or even the gravel point on the nearby lake, the fish have learned that these glowing orbs are an tasty meal.
Salmon & Steelhead Flies - Page 4
Flesh Fly - The Flesh Fly imitates decaying flesh of spawned out salmon. It is especially effective where salmon spawn in large numbers. It is also useful for catching trout that follow the spawning runs.