Early Elementary Teaching Ideas | Primary School

Find Teaching ideas to teach Grade K-2! Sentence writing, paragraph writing, narrative writing, opinion writing, informative writing, persuasive writing! Lessons, activities, crafts, mini-lessons, workshop ideas, anchor charts, prompts and more!
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Self-Care Tips That Support Selfless Teachers
Are you a selfless teacher who needs to make self-care a priority? It is no secret that teachers are in one of the most caring professions in the world. Each day, you try to educate, encourage, and care for dozens of children who you often come to love like your own. You have a habit of caring for others to the exclusion of yourself. This generosity is taking a toll on your health and that can sometimes carry into the classroom. To be the best for your kids, you need to take care of yourself!
How to Offer Differentiation in the Classroom
Differentiation is a hot topic in the current teaching environment. Many teachers feel stressed at the thought of taking one lesson and creating several different ways to assess and deliver the material. Most teachers are determined to meet the diverse needs of their students, but they may struggle to streamline their differentiation. You will find suggestions on how to do the differentiation dance- the steps are always changing, but you can find the rhythm that works best for your students!
5 tips to make TEACHING easier with google classroom!
Google Classroom is an awesome teaching tool that can help you deliver remote or in-person instruction effectively. The service is free, though there are various paid tiers and extras that hundreds of districts and private schools utilize. Regardless what tier you have, here are five tips to make teaching easier with Google Classroom!
Mentor Text to Celebrate Diversity in the Classroom!
Within these texts, students will gain tools of compassion to inspire their personal growth in becoming inclusive individuals who encourage and celebrate diversity. Whether in the classroom or on the street, readers will be equipped with the understanding that uniqueness should not be feared, but should instead, be celebrated and appreciated! Read on for Mentor Text to Celebrate Diversity in the Classroom!
Administrators, do you want your school rockin’? Take a moment to think about your school morale. Does it have a happy vibe? Kids make up the majority of your school, but how kids feel about being there depends on the climate and interaction of the people within the school. Teachers are the tone-setters who can make any class worth attending—or avoiding. If you want your school to be a joyous place, consider these tips for building school morale.
What is Informative Writing?
Hey Rockstars! Do you LOVE writing? I do! We’ve been talking about the three different types of writing: Narrative, Opinion, and Informative. In this post, we’re focusing on informative writing. What is informative writing?
3 Reasons Why You Should Teach Academic Vocabulary
Vocabulary instruction is something that many teachers struggle to include in their busy schedules. Best practices require many repetitions and exposures to new words for students to actually acquire them as part of their knowledge. As teachers strive to find time for high-frequency and content-specific words, academic vocabulary may get pushed to the side. Is it necessary to teach academic vocabulary? We think so, keep reading to find out three reasons why!
30+ Things I Wish I Knew My First Years of Teaching
I wish I knew half of these teaching tips, advice, and strategies as a new teacher. I fumbled A LOT and learned A LOT! Through my 26 years in the classroom, I learned so many things to make my job easier and my room more organized. Teachers love to share what works for them. I took everything in like a sponge and decided what worked for me or not. This is a collection of many things I did in my classroom and a few ideas sprinkled in from other teachers.
10 Mentor Text and Myth Activities to Use in the Classroom
Greek Mythology is a series of stories about gods, heroes, and rituals of ancient Greeks. Myths began as traditional stories from our ancient history, but since word-of-mouth was really the only way of recording these stories, they often became extremely exaggerated. Therefore, these traditional stories eventually morphed into myths! You will find 10 mentor texts and myth activities to use in class in this blog post!
Top 10 Things Teachers Need to Know for Distance Learning
This blog post is more than suggestions for how to teach long-distance, which is fast becoming everyone’s forte! It’s about things every teacher needs to know before, during, and after they’ve started helping their students with distance learning.
DANGER: What Happens When You Don't Teach Writing
You decide to skip over writing instruction. You squeeze in some writing prompts or writing responses here and there and call it a day. So what happens when you don’t teach writing? I know first-hand what happens and it isn’t pretty. I worked with a group of high school students writing college entrance essays. They didn't know where to begin and needed direct instruction on how to write an effective essay. Where is this disconnect in our education system? Read on for some shocking facts.
How to Make the Most Useful Workspace for Homeschool
Whether your children are taking a part-time online class or they are full-time homeschool students, an efficient workspace is needed to get in the right mindset for learning. This post will show you how to make the most useful workspace for homeschool. A free checklist is included!
Getting Started with Google Classroom: The Teacher Basics
In this post you’ll find everything you need to set up a classroom, add students, post assignments and announcements, communicate with parents, and keep a gradebook!
The Best Ways to Prepare Students for Standardized Tests
Taking tests is anxiety-provoking for many people including our students. Standardized tests or state assessments seem to increase the stress around a situation with which some students (and teachers) already struggle. As with many things that are anxiety-producing, the keys seem to be preparation, practice, and perspective. Help your students feel prepared and confident for the test by creating authentic practice activities!
How to Teach Writing Remotely
Some teachers find writing a difficult subject to teach. Now throw digital learning into the mix. Don’t panic! You don’t have to be at your wit’s end! This post will give you ideas on how to teach writing remotely!