ecofeminism thesis

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Mountain Lion at Sunrise - Signed Print with Story
A signed luster paper print of a wild mountain lion with a handwritten story on the back. The Story Behind the Photo - In the Summer of 2022, I set up remotely triggered DSLR cameras in hopes of photographing mountain lions. One location I set up in was the beautiful hills of Caramel Valley, where some researchers identified a high use mountain lion area. After two months of capturing no mountain lion images, I was getting ready to take the setup down, but I decided to keep it there a little bit longer in hopes my luck would change. Lo and behold, the mountain lions ended up passing by my camera 5 times in two weeks! My best photo was of this young female, who passed by camera just 30 seconds before her mother did. She stopped and looked at the camera right as the sun was rising, and my ca