Container Garden Ideas #containergardening

Want to grow vegetables, flowers, herbs, or succulents in pots, planters, or containers? This board is all about unique and creative container gardening. Get tips & ideas for hanging baskets, vertical gardens, and window boxes. DIY creative arrangements for your spring or fall porch, deck, balcony, front door, or patio. Whether you're a beginner with a small space or you have a large backyard or landscape you can learn the tips and tricks on how to build, design, and plan your containers.
357 Pins
How to Grow Zucchini (5 EASY Tips) - The Gardening Dad
Did you know you can grow zucchini all year, no matter where you live? Learn How to Grow Zucchini in Pots with easy to follow steps and expert tips! #zucchini #vegetables #gardening
Balcony Gardens: Small Space Solutions
Find ideas of containers to use and plants to grow in a balcony garden. All are applicable for any small space outdoors.
25+ Trailing Flowering Plants | Outdoor Happens | Plants | Homesteading
The beauty of trailing plants is that they don’t need much attention, and if you choose the right plant for your space, they can improve your mood and brighten your day with their beauty and presence! Here are our top 25 Trailing Flowering Plants that'll look gorgeous in your garden.
The Ideal Containers For Container Gardening Vegetables
Use this info to find the right container when you are container gardening vegetables! There are many different types so find what is right for your plant!
5 Adorable Cactus Planters- 2021 Buying Guide
Exotic, attractive and largely kill-proof, is it any surprise that cacti are popular houseplants? But just because there are so many planters to choose from, does that mean they’re all equally good? Before you spring for that adorable set of cactus planters, it’s worthwhile to spend some time researching the options. In this post, you'll find the best cactus planters recommendations - and cute ones! Check it out!
Growing Carrots in Containers in Your Backyard
Learn more on how to grow carrots step-by-step. Use a container, pot raised bed or even bucket - carrots will grow in any of them. It is easy and DIY. Learn the best ways to start from seed. #GrowingCarrots #HowToGrowCarrots #VegetableGardening #Gardening #UrbanOrganicYield
How to grow vegetables in containers
How to grow vegetables in containers, You don't need a big yard or garden to grow vegetables. you can grow most vegetables in cotainers. #grow #vegetables #containergardening #growincontainers
17 Best Climbing and Vining Vegetables for Containers You Can Grow Vertically
Take a look at this informative list of best climbing and vining vegetable for containers. These vegetables are productive and take your vertical space to grow!
All About Perlite and Using it in Potting Mix
All About Perlite and Using it in Potting Mix - Home for the Harvest - Container gardening tips for the right potting soil with organic and mineral ingredients #perlite #pottingmix #pottingsoil #containergardening #smallspacegardening
Best Plants For Hanging Baskets
Hanging baskets are perfect for adding color to your front porch, at the end of your walkway, and even indoors. Here's a list of plants that thrive in baskets and will put on a show for you. #hangingbaskets #containergardening #popofcolor #gardeninginsmallspaces #flowers #baskets #petunias #begonias
Growing cantaloupes in containers
Growing cantaloupes in containers is actually relatively easy; you can even do it vertically. Learn how easy it is here. #Gardening
Best Trailing Plants For Window Boxes For The WOW Factor
When summer comes around and the flowers are out, there is nothing prettier than a house with beautiful plants flowing out of window boxes. It's almost magical. If you enjoy this look and need a little help with which plants to use, keep reading. These trailing plants are the best for window boxes. #fullsuntrailingplants #trailingplantsforwindowboxes #windowboxideas #blessmyweedsblog
Clever Ways To Protect Your Plants In The Winter
Taking care of potted plants can really be a nightmare during the winter if you have no way to protect them. I used to bring them indoors, but then I had too many and not enough room. I discovered other options. Take a look at this comprehensive how-to manual to see how easy it is to protect your potted plants during the winter. #winterplantprotection #protectpottedplants #howtoprotectplants #winterizeyourgarden
Best Garden Planters
There are so many garden planters for different types of gardening that choosing the best can feel overwhelming. It doesn't have to be though! Read the Best Garden Planters buying guide to make the right choice for you! #garden #planters #gardening
Balcony vegetable garden
5 Best Edible Plants for a Balcony Garden | Home for the Harvest #balconygarden #patiogarden #containergarden #containergardening #gardening #organicgardening #howtogarden #bestplants #learntogarden