
33 Pins
The Model & Influencer’s Guide To Posing For Pictures
An excellent tutorial on how to pose for pictures, with 10 tricks every girl should know! Unflattering photos happen to the best of us. The camera really does add 10 pounds. Here's how to hack camera angles to look thinner, avoid the dreaded double chin, and end up with an ultimately more flattering depiction of you. |
Blog - Virginia Wedding Photographer | Katelyn James Photography
why wedding photographers shoot in kelvin white balance by katelyn james photography
Beginners to Photoshop: Photo Editing is Easier Than You Think!
before and after using photoshop actions
Fixing an Underexposed Portrait Using Photoshop Actions
Fixing underexposed photos...
Best Digital SLR Camera Settings - What do I set my camera to?
How to set up a digital SLR camera to take good pictures.
5 Tips for Awesome Indoor Photos
Doe a Deery: 5 Tips for Awesome Indoor Photos - BEST POST! Off to fix my white balance ...
NameBright - Domain Expired
this girl is amazing!! I love her DIY projects, I have to try this out!!
50 Toddler Shots to Improve Your Family Photography | Envato Tuts+
100 toddler pictures---these are FANTASTIC ideas. Pin now, read later.
Photography: Shaped Bokeh
Picture shapes - what an amazing idea, i would have never thought of that!