Natural Pest Control

natural pesticides for garden, organic pest control, natural pest control for plants, natural indoor pest control, insect repellent, mosquito repellent, and more!
17 Pins
Natural Garden Pest Control Remedies and Recipes (easier and much safer treatment methods!)
Skip the unsafe chemical pesticides to control pests in your garden. It’s best to use natural pest control remedies that will target the pest insects, without harming other insects in the process. When we do that, we are working with nature instead of against it. It’s safer, and much easier to work with nature using natural pest control remedies to help you fight the pests in your garden. In this post, I will give you tons of natural garden pest control methods and tips to try in your garden.
How to Get Rid of Hornworms: 5 Safe and Natural Ways (organic gardening)
In this complete pest control guide, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about controlling hornworms organically. You’ll learn about their life cycle, diet, and the damage they cause. Plus discover 5 safe and natural ways to eliminate hornworms from your vegetable garden. I’ll also share my simple prevention tips to help keep these caterpillars away from your plants so you can avoid them in the future. Garden pest control made easy.
Control Snails and Slugs Naturally
Here are 8 ways to control snails and slugs naturally, without endangering kids or pets. Whether you’re growing vegetables or flowers, snails and slugs destroy seedlings, munch holes in plants, and can ruin your garden. But it’s easy to get rid of them! These simple and easy ways to control pests will help you to keep your garden safe this year! Find out everything you need to know! #gardeningtip
Good Bugs, Bad Bugs
In the garden, the good bugs don’t wear white hats, the bad bugs black hats. This infographic from may help you decide who stays in Dodge City and who ends up on Boot Hill.
How to Get Rid of Aphids Naturally | Homemade Aphid Soap Spray | Organic Aphid Control
Come learn how to naturally get rid of aphids in your garden, on houseplants and more with 9 organic aphid control remedies - including a homemade aphid soap spray recipe that also works on mealybugs, spider mites, thrips and more. These natural aphid killers will help keep your plants healthy and free of pests! Also learn about using ladybugs in the garden for natural pest control.
What is Diatomaceous Earth? and how does it help As a Natural Pest Control in Your Garden
Unlock the secrets of Diatomaceous Earth (DE) and its role in garden pest control. Dive into our guide to understand how DE works and save for later – harness the power of nature to protect your garden!
Stop Making These Dangerous Pest Control Mistakes
Pests in your home and on your outdoor adventures are troublesome and can be downright dangerous, so naturally, we want to control them. From mosquitoes buzzing in your ears to ants marching over your kitchen counters to cockroaches scurrying away when you turn on the lights, pest control is an important part of our lives.
The Best Non Toxic Mosquito Repellent for Your Yard
Say goodbye to pesky mosquitoes with this all-natural pest control solution for your yard. Protect your outdoor space and enjoy mosquito-free evenings with this non-toxic repellent. Keep your family safe from bites and enjoy the great outdoors. Say yes to a mosquito-free yard today!
8 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes & Other Bugs
Explore eight plants that naturally repel mosquitoes and other bugs. From citronella and lavender to basil and mint, these fragrant and beautiful plants not only add greenery to your garden but also help keep pesky insects at bay. Say goodbye to bug sprays and hello to a natural, chemical-free way to enjoy your outdoor space!