Self improvement

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SEND ME A NUMBER TS Shoe Size: Sexual Orientation: Do you Smoke? Do you Drink? Do you Take Drugs? Age you get mistaken for: Have Tattoos? Want any tattoos Got any Piercings? Want any piercings? Best friend? Relationship status: Biggest turn ons: Biggest turn offs: TACA ll love you if: Ree a Reem ESA Most traumatic experience: Afact about your personality: What I hate most about myself: What I love most about myself: What I want to be when I get older: My relationship with my sibling(s): My relationship with my parents: My idea of a perfect date: My biggest pet peeves: A description of the girl/boy I like: A description of the person I dislike the most: Areason I've lied to a friend: What I hate the most about work: What my last text message says: What words upset me the most: What words make me feel the best about myself: 39 Oneof I er A E AA SS RS OS RS RS OS STE TEE E ASE ASE AA ad - iFunny