Sunday school

19 Pins
Teach Your Kids How to Treat Others With This Unforgettable Lesson
One teacher chose to show her students how to treat others is a truly unforgettable way, and I'll be passing it on to my kids for sure.
OBJECT LESSON: How the Holy Ghost Helps Protect Us | LDS Daily
LDS Object Lesson: How the Holy Ghost Helps Protect Us. Great and EASY activity about the power of the spirit. | Mormon | Object Lessons for Sunday School | Latter-day Life Hacks
Match Jesus' Disciples with Clues - Kids Korner
Fishers of Men - matching disciples with their descriptions. Going to use this in my lesson plan this year.
Lord's Prayer Fold-up Revealer
LANGUAGE ARTS: Lord's Prayer folding craft
Our Father Fill In
A printable fill in the blank resource to help students learn the Our Father prayer. Blanks can be written in, or cut and paste filled in. Includes answer sheet and blanks to cut and paste.
Teaching Your Child How to Pray
Teaching the Little Ones How to Pray - Prayer Prompts for Your Child |
What is the significance of mountains in the Bible? - Busted Halo
June 27th, 2013- What is the significance of mountains in the Bible? Go tell it on the mountain that BH has a new infographic! See why everyone biblical was coming 'round the mountain!
Beautiful timeline of the Land of Israel - a drawing that tells it all
A simple and beautiful timeline of the Land of Israel