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Expecting and Empowered- Workout App on Instagram: "Pregnancy Sleep Tips ✨ As baby grows, sleeping can become uncomfortable for mama. You also might have to sleep in a different position than you are used to (hello fellow back sleepers). Sleeping with proper pillow support may help decrease hip pain, back pain, sacroiliac joint pain, pubic symphysis pain and sciatica by keeping your pelvis and spine in optimal alignment. It also can reduce neck pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. Sounds like ALL p
What to Know & How to Advocate on Instagram: "A quick DIY of the hospital swaddle 🏥 They work when the nurses do them for a few reasons: 📍They are using a thick cotton hospital blanket. Skip the Muslin! They just won’t hold well. 📍They are wrapping them all the way under their backs. 📍They aren’t breaking out of them because they fold the hand into a little pocket. All new parents get pretty excited about learning the swaddle in the hospital. Here is the real parent hack: BUY THE VELCRO & Z
🅻🅴 🅳🆁🅴🆂🆂🅸🅽🅶 🅳🅴 🅲🅸🅽🅳🆈 on Instagram: "Free pattern et oui je fais la meuf bilingue on sait jamais autant ce Tuto sera vu par un mec qui a besoin d’un bonnet au fin fond de l’alaska Est ce que tu peux faire ce bonnet si tu débutes ? Mais ouiiiii fonceeeeeee !!!! Si t’as envie d’un bonnet facile, rapide à coudre et stylé tu peux télécharger le patron #iammichelle gratuitement sur le site de @iam_patterns Attention ma version est un hack pour le faire en 4 coutures seulement, je t’ex
How to: Cheap and Easy 12 Minute Burp Cloth Tutorial | Life with The Joyners: Our Joyful and Simple Life