Throne of glass

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Sam Cortland, Skulls Bay Tavern - The Assassins Blade
It wasn’t that hard to pretend Sam was drunk and they were having the grandest time in the world… In terms of cards, it turned out to be Sam who took them for everything they were worth … The Assassins Blade by author Sarah J. Maas ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #Celaena #CelaenaSardothien #SamCortland #bookart #SJM #SarahJMaas #ThroneofGlass #TOG #TheAssassinsBlade #Arobynnhamel #AelinGalathynius #Assassins #CaptainRolfe #Rolfe #SkullsBay #Theshipbreaker #Pirates #Theseadraagon #Fantasy #Lordofthepirates #theassassinandthepiratelord #Shipbreaker
Celaena, Arobynn and five of his most trusted Assassins - The Assassins Blade
‘Seated in the council room of the Assassins’ Keep, Celaena Sardothien leaned back in her chair. “It’s past four in the morning,” she said, adjusting the folds of her crimson silk dressing gown…“This had better be important.”... The Assassins Blade by author Sarah J. Maas ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **Please note this image is AI generated art** #Celaena #CelaenaSardothien #SamCortland #bookart #SJM #SarahJMaas #ThroneofGlass #TOG #TheAssassinsBlade #Arobynnhamel #AelinGalathynius #Assassins #Thekeep #Theassassinskeep #Fantasy
Sam Cortland and Celaena leave Skulls Bay - The Assassins Blade
“Come on, Sardothien,” he said, slinging an arm around her shoulders. “If you’re done liberating slaves and destroying pirate cities, then let’s go home.” Celaena glanced at him sidelong and grinned. The Assassins Blade by author Sarah J. Maas ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #Celaena #CelaenaSardothien #SamCortland #bookart #SJM #SarahJMaas #ThroneofGlass #TOG #TheAssassinsBlade #Arobynnhamel #AelinGalathynius #Assassins #CaptainRolfe #Rolfe #SkullsBay #Theshipbreaker #Pirates #Theseadraagon #Fantasy #Lordofthepirates #theassassinandthepiratelord #Shipbreaker #Rolfe
Sam and Celaena hugging, Skulls Bay - The Assassins Blade
Before she knew what she was doing, Celaena threw her arms around him and held him close … his arms came around her … Sam rested his cheek on her head … The Assassins Blade by author Sarah J. Maas ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #Celaena #CelaenaSardothien #SamCortland #bookart #SJM #SarahJMaas #ThroneofGlass #TOG #TheAssassinsBlade #Arobynnhamel #AelinGalathynius #Assassins #CaptainRolfe #Rolfe #SkullsBay #Theshipbreaker #Pirates #Theseadraagon #Fantasy #Lordofthepirates #theassassinandthepiratelord #Shipbreaker #Rolfe