Papers by Özlem Gökçe Tekin
Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have brought to the agenda how to en... more Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have brought to the agenda how to encourage the use of these technologies in education. Teachers' acceptance of AI technologies has an important place. This study, based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), investigates the factors affecting teachers' acceptance of AI technologies. A five-structure structural model for AI technology was proposed by adding Self-Efficacy and Anxiety to TAM. A trial form consisting of 21 items was prepared and 18 items were confirmed. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the data. In the proposed model, 7 hypotheses related to Self-Efficacy (SE), Artificial Intelligence Anxiety (AIA), Perceived Ease of Use (PEU), Perceived Utility (PU) and Behavioral Intention (BI) were tested. A significant negative effect was obtained with H1, H2 and H7; a significant positive effect was obtained with H3, H4 and H6, while H5 was not confirmed. The effect of teachers' perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness (H3) and the effect of perceived usefulness on behavioral intention (H6) were the strongest positive effects in the model. The effect of AI anxiety on perceived ease of use (H2) was the strongest negative effect. It was found that teachers' acceptance of using AI technologies in teaching is predictable by teachers' self-efficacy towards AI, AI anxiety and perceived usefulness. The results of this study contributed to the extension of TAM. This study presents a TAM study on AI technologies. In addition, the results can help future educational planning in the use of educational technologies.
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is a transdisciplinary approach. It aims... more Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is a transdisciplinary approach. It aims to bring 21st-century skills to students. It is important whether teachers, who have an important place in the development of students, have knowledge that will affect students' STEM teaching. This study aims to examine the basic knowledge level of the teachers on STEM education. The descriptive method was used in the research. The study was conducted with 319 science, mathematics and information technologies teachers in the public middle schools in Turkey. "The STEM Basic Knowledge Test" was used to collect data. The first seven items of the STEM Basic Knowledge Test consist of demographic information and twentyeight items. These items measure the basic knowledge level of STEM education. The statistical package program was used to analyze the collected data. In the study, it was determined that the STEM basic knowledge level of the teachers was 66%. Moreover, the basic knowledge level of the teachers in STEM showed a significant difference in terms of gender, teaching experience, technology use, and participation in a program such as a STEM seminar. However, there was no significant difference in terms of discipline and highest qualification of the teachers. Recommendations include encouraging teachers to participate in STEM training programs and giving courses on STEM education at the postgraduate level.
In this research, it was investigated STEM self-efficacy perception level of middle and high
scho... more In this research, it was investigated STEM self-efficacy perception level of middle and high
school students in terms of gender, school level, academic achievement of the students,
education level of their mother and father and the presence of role models around them. In
the research, quantitative research method was used. The sample of the research consists of
8th and 12th grade students in Elazığ. “STEM Self-Efficacy Perception Scale” was used to
measure STEM self-efficacy perceptions of the students. In the study, it was determined that
middle and high school students generally have a high level of STEM self-efficacy
perception. In addition, self-efficacy perceptions of the students differed significantly in
terms of their gender, school level, education level of their fathers, academic achievement
levels and the presence of role models around them. STEM self-efficacy perceptions of the
students did not differ in terms of the education level of their mothers. Depending on the
results of the research, , the reasons for the low self-efficacy perceptions of the students can
be investigated by conducting detailed interviews with female students. Moreover, their
self-efficacy perceptions can be increased via biopics of scientists, interviews with scientists,
Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi, 2019
Öz: Bu araştırmanın amacı ortaokul düzeyindeki bazı derslerin kazanımlar açısından karakter eğiti... more Öz: Bu araştırmanın amacı ortaokul düzeyindeki bazı derslerin kazanımlar açısından karakter eğitimini ne ölçüde desteklediğini belirlemektir. Araştırmanın evrenini ortaokullara ait bütün derslerin öğretim programları oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini ise ortaokul seviyesindeki zorunlu dersler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma betimsel tarama modelindedir. Programların incelenmesi için dokümantasyon tekniği kullanılmıştır. Derslere ait öğretim programları, kazanımlar açısından karakter eğitiminin içerik ve kapsamına göre ele alınarak incelenmiştir. Ortaokul öğretim programlarının analizi için on dokuz karakter değerinden yararlanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi sonucunda ortaya çıkan sonuçlara göre derslerden hemen hepsinin karakter eğitimini belli ölçüde desteklediği belirlenmiştir. Karakter eğitimini en çok destekleyen ders ise Sosyal Bilgiler dersidir. Bu dersi Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor dersleri izlemektedir. Karakter eğitiminin içerik ve kapsamıyla en az uyuşan dersin ise Türkçe dersi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonunda ortaokul öğretim programlarının, karakter eğitiminin içerik ve kapsamına uygun olarak zenginleştirilip genişletilebileceği önerisi getirilmiştir. Karakter eğitimi ile ilgili kazanımların yetersiz olduğu Türkçe ve Fen Bilimleri gibi derslere ait kazanımların sayısı artırılabilir. İncelenen ortaokul öğretim programlarının kazanımlarında yer almayan alçakgönüllülük ve affetme değerlerine uygun kazanımlar oluşturulabilir. Sevgi, dürüstlük, iyimserlik, kibarlık/nezaket ve sportmenlik gibi karakter değerleri ile ilişkili kazanımların sayısı arttırılabilir.
Journal of STEAM Education, Jul 30, 2021
The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable test to measure pre-service teachers... more The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable test to measure pre-service teachers' levels of STEM Basic Knowledge. Data was obtained from a total of 148 students studying in the departments of Science Education, Mathematics Teaching and Computer Education and Instructional Technology in the 2017-2018 school years. Eight characteristics were determined to be tested in this direction by examining the aims, features, benefits and the way of implementation of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education. 40 questions related to these features were prepared. As a result of analyzes made after the application of the test to the pre-service teachers, some items were removed from the test and a test of 28 items was obtained. It was determined that the reliability coefficient of this test was 0.84, the average difficulty was 0.61, and the average discrimination was 0.49. A valid and reliable STEM Basic Knowledge Test (STEMBKT) that tests the determined gains of STEM has been obtained.
Papers by Özlem Gökçe Tekin
school students in terms of gender, school level, academic achievement of the students,
education level of their mother and father and the presence of role models around them. In
the research, quantitative research method was used. The sample of the research consists of
8th and 12th grade students in Elazığ. “STEM Self-Efficacy Perception Scale” was used to
measure STEM self-efficacy perceptions of the students. In the study, it was determined that
middle and high school students generally have a high level of STEM self-efficacy
perception. In addition, self-efficacy perceptions of the students differed significantly in
terms of their gender, school level, education level of their fathers, academic achievement
levels and the presence of role models around them. STEM self-efficacy perceptions of the
students did not differ in terms of the education level of their mothers. Depending on the
results of the research, , the reasons for the low self-efficacy perceptions of the students can
be investigated by conducting detailed interviews with female students. Moreover, their
self-efficacy perceptions can be increased via biopics of scientists, interviews with scientists,
school students in terms of gender, school level, academic achievement of the students,
education level of their mother and father and the presence of role models around them. In
the research, quantitative research method was used. The sample of the research consists of
8th and 12th grade students in Elazığ. “STEM Self-Efficacy Perception Scale” was used to
measure STEM self-efficacy perceptions of the students. In the study, it was determined that
middle and high school students generally have a high level of STEM self-efficacy
perception. In addition, self-efficacy perceptions of the students differed significantly in
terms of their gender, school level, education level of their fathers, academic achievement
levels and the presence of role models around them. STEM self-efficacy perceptions of the
students did not differ in terms of the education level of their mothers. Depending on the
results of the research, , the reasons for the low self-efficacy perceptions of the students can
be investigated by conducting detailed interviews with female students. Moreover, their
self-efficacy perceptions can be increased via biopics of scientists, interviews with scientists,