Atul D Bobdey
Dr. A.D.Bobdey, professor and Head,Department of Zoology,Shri Shivaji Science College, Congress Nagar, Nagpur-12M.S. India-440012
Phone: 9423654278
Address: Congress Nagar, Nagpur- 440012 , M.S. India
Phone: 9423654278
Address: Congress Nagar, Nagpur- 440012 , M.S. India
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Papers by Atul D Bobdey
local cont,ttrnitie.s fbt. the treatniefit-q of variou-q dr.seases. The intmense knov'ledge of plants as a ntedicine to the
people,'r?-s a-" A rented.t,for tlifferent ailntent-q. The benefit-; of ptectlou-< kno$ledge can be offered to the
ntajorit-r,of 1tuntt,t pr4tttlation fu, establi-sling'tt.c appropriate merlicina) potenc-t'for the treatnzent of .specific diseases,
thus cortfirnts tlrc vatidit.y, of -qLtch krro++\edfe. Fori ithnonredianal stutlie-q, southent ll{elghat tegion of Maharashtra
encompassi,g uniqLtt' ecos.t.-qtett ,r,as selectled. The region comprise-s of sancttmt'ie-q of Narnala and lt'an' surve-t'
both nientiotrcrl sattctttrri", ,r'o't contlucted in the J'ear' 2007'08' The ethnomedicinal data reported va'q conpiled
ttedicinal gsoterc.t.. I, the curt.ent paper, the ethno nteclicinal u.qes of 38 tt'ee specie-s w"ere documented in the study
area. Tlte rtto-qt l).equentl.t,tt.qer! plant part *'et'e Jeaye-s (le.rsyd follow'ecl bJ'bark and fi'uit-s (to.szil' The mo'st
comrlon atllr,ttttt-q ot'tlxt -qtur!.l,a,eA s-et.e 6ocumented a.; diart'hea, gonorrhea, ntalaria, jartndice and bronchiiis' The lB specres +t.erc found mic!icinail"t. ttD ailntents. Docuntenting the mectlctnal tree specie-q and assaciated
inclig.enous krtrtrr.letlge t:u, btt ,,serl a"; a basis for dereloping managenlentplan-s forconservation and sustainable use of
metr{icinal plant.; i'tt thc -ciudl arca'
Brief description ofeach plant species is given, that includes botanical name, vemacular name, fainily, growth fomr, parts used ]ffiffi*'lal information' Documenting the ethnomedicinal dara could be useful as a basis for its conseniario' and In the current paper' medicinal uses of 26climber species ofthe study areaaredocumented. The collected climbers belong to25 genera and 14 families. The family cucurbitaceae was represented by the highest percentage of species i.e. 42'85o/d The most frequently used medicinalparts lvere found to be leaoes followed by roots and seeds.
local cont,ttrnitie.s fbt. the treatniefit-q of variou-q dr.seases. The intmense knov'ledge of plants as a ntedicine to the
people,'r?-s a-" A rented.t,for tlifferent ailntent-q. The benefit-; of ptectlou-< kno$ledge can be offered to the
ntajorit-r,of 1tuntt,t pr4tttlation fu, establi-sling'tt.c appropriate merlicina) potenc-t'for the treatnzent of .specific diseases,
thus cortfirnts tlrc vatidit.y, of -qLtch krro++\edfe. Fori ithnonredianal stutlie-q, southent ll{elghat tegion of Maharashtra
encompassi,g uniqLtt' ecos.t.-qtett ,r,as selectled. The region comprise-s of sancttmt'ie-q of Narnala and lt'an' surve-t'
both nientiotrcrl sattctttrri", ,r'o't contlucted in the J'ear' 2007'08' The ethnomedicinal data reported va'q conpiled
ttedicinal gsoterc.t.. I, the curt.ent paper, the ethno nteclicinal u.qes of 38 tt'ee specie-s w"ere documented in the study
area. Tlte rtto-qt l).equentl.t,tt.qer! plant part *'et'e Jeaye-s (le.rsyd follow'ecl bJ'bark and fi'uit-s (to.szil' The mo'st
comrlon atllr,ttttt-q ot'tlxt -qtur!.l,a,eA s-et.e 6ocumented a.; diart'hea, gonorrhea, ntalaria, jartndice and bronchiiis' The lB specres +t.erc found mic!icinail"t. ttD ailntents. Docuntenting the mectlctnal tree specie-q and assaciated
inclig.enous krtrtrr.letlge t:u, btt ,,serl a"; a basis for dereloping managenlentplan-s forconservation and sustainable use of
metr{icinal plant.; i'tt thc -ciudl arca'
Brief description ofeach plant species is given, that includes botanical name, vemacular name, fainily, growth fomr, parts used ]ffiffi*'lal information' Documenting the ethnomedicinal dara could be useful as a basis for its conseniario' and In the current paper' medicinal uses of 26climber species ofthe study areaaredocumented. The collected climbers belong to25 genera and 14 families. The family cucurbitaceae was represented by the highest percentage of species i.e. 42'85o/d The most frequently used medicinalparts lvere found to be leaoes followed by roots and seeds.