Papers by Hermawaty Abubakar
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner, 2013
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 2022
Horticultural plants are branches of agriculture that are associated with crop cultivation such a... more Horticultural plants are branches of agriculture that are associated with crop cultivation such as vegetables, fruit, various ornamental plants, and medicinal plants that require compounds to accelerate the formation of roots which can be done by using growth regulators. One of the growth regulators needed for plants is auxin or Indole Acetic Acid (IAA). The presence of bacteria that act as producers of IAA can be used to stimulate the growth of horticultural plants. Therefore, the exploration of bacteria that have the potential to produce auxin in the future can provide an important and significant role in increasing agricultural production. This study aims to isolate, select, measure the value of IAA, and characterize IAA-producing bacteria. Isolation of auxin-producing bacteria using general media of growth bacteria, i.e., Nutrient Agar (NA) and Nutrient Broth (NB). The location for sampling of rhizosphere soil was Prafi SP 1 Plantation, Manokwari, Indonesia. The results showed t...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and king... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and king grass (Pennisetum purpureophoides) ensiled with addition of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) prepared from fermented grass extract (LBFG). Four treatments were napier grass without additive (EG), napier grass with 3% (v/w) of LBFG (EGL), king grass without additive (KG) and king grass with 3% (v/w) of BLEF (KGL). Ensiling was conducted in silos of 225 g capacity at room temperatures (approximately 28 °C) for 30 days. Chemical composition of silage, fermentation products and nutrient digestibility were measured. LBFG added silages were higher (P<0.01) in LAB population but lower in pH value (P<0.05) compared to silages without LBFG. Dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP) and NDF contents of LBFG added silages tended to have higher value than silages without LBFG. Total and individual VFA concentrations in KGL silage were lower (P<0.05) than KG silage. In vitro DM and...
VOGELKOP: Jurnal Biologi, 2018
ABSTRACTIndonesia has the potential of renewable natural resource which are abundant both in numb... more ABSTRACTIndonesia has the potential of renewable natural resource which are abundant both in number and types of plants containing cellulose fiber. In natures cellulose cannot be completely degraded because it needs of microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria which will produce cellulase enzymes so that it can degrade cellulose in nature. The purpose of this study was to analysed the activity of cellulase enzymes produced by bacterial isolates obtained from seagrass sediments. Cellulase activity of 11 bacterial isolates was determined by the cellulotic index value passing through the Congo Red staining method on 1% CMC solid media. A total of seven isolates indicated a positive result and the highest index value was produced by SI-E isolates, that is 4.7 mm. After that the value of cellulase enzyme activity from the seven positive isolates was determined by counting substrate reducing sugars through the 3.5-dinitrosalicylic (DNS) method. The results showed that SI-H isolates had th...
Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2018
L ivestock production in developing countries largely depends on fibrous feeds, mainly crop resid... more L ivestock production in developing countries largely depends on fibrous feeds, mainly crop residues and low quality pasture that are deficient in nitrogen, minerals and vitamins.The utilization of agricultural byproducts for increasing ruminants production has been received greater research attention within the past few decade because of the higher quantities of those byproducts. Poor palatability and low bulk density apart from low nutritive value are restricting the utilization of the agricultural byproducts as animal feeds. During these scarcity periods, there is need for easily available feed that can meet nutritional requirements at low cost and is easy to transport. Nutritive value of poor quality and bulky roughages can be improved by densified complete feed block (Salem and Nefzaoui, 2003). Complete feed block is comprised of forage, concentrate and other supplementary nutrients in desired proportion capable to fulfill nutrient requirements of animals.The feeding of complete feed block stabilises rumen fermentation, minimises fermentation loss and ensures better ammonia utilisation (Prasad et al., 2001). Moreover, this technology offers a means to increase milk production, decrease in environmental pollutants, increase in income of farmers, decrease in labour requirement and
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, 2014
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh penambahan probiotik dalam konsentrat te... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh penambahan probiotik dalam konsentrat terhadap karakteristik fermentasi, produksi metana dan kecernaan nutrien secara in vitro. Penelitian ini disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri atas 4 perlakuan yaitu silase rumput (G); silase rumput + konsentrat tanpa probiotik (G+A); silase rumput + konsentrat mengandung L. plantarum dan S. cerevisiae (G+B); silase rumput + konsentrat mengandung L. acidophilus dan S. cerevisiae (G+C); silase rumput + konsentrat mengandung L. plantarum dan L. acidophilus (G+D). Data dianalisis menurut rancangan acak lengkap dan dilanjutkan uji wilayah berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrat mengandung bakteri asam laktat (BAL) bervariasi 1.5 × 10 6 dan 3 × 10 7 cfu/g, dan S. cerevisiae 3 × 10 3 cfu/g. Kombinasi L. plantarum dan S. cerevisiae (G+C) dan L. acidophilus dan S. cerevisiae (G+D) meningkatkan (P<0,01) konsentrasi asam propionat. Rata-rata produksi metana pada konsentrat mengandung probiotik (G+B, G+C, G+D) menurun (P<0,01) sebesar 6,9% dibandingkan konsentrat tanpa probiotik (G+B). Kecernaan bahan kering dan neutral detergent fiber (NDF) meningkat (P<0,01) berturut-turut sebesar 25,7% and 6,3% pada konsentrat mengandung probiotik (G+B, G+C, G+D) dibandingkan konsentrat tanpa probiotik (G+A). Disimpulkan bahwa penambahan probiotik pada konsentrat meningkatkan proporsi asam propionat, kecernaan nutrien dan menurunkan produksi metana (in vitro).
media peternakan, 2011
ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kualitas silase rumput raja (Pennisetum p... more ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kualitas silase rumput raja (Pennisetum purpureophoides) dengan penambahan bakteri asam laktat (BAL) epifit yang diperoleh dari ekstrak rumput terfermentasi (ERT) atau dikombinasi dengan tanin dari akasia. Percobaan disusun menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 6 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan meliputi: (A) rumput raja tanpa aditif sebagai kontrol; (B) rumput raja + 3% ERT (v/b); (C) rumput raja + 3% ERT (v/b) + 10 ml ekstrak akasia (50 g/100 ml); (D) rumput raja + 3% ERT (v/b) + 10 ml ekstrak akasia (50 g/75 ml); (E) rumput raja + 3% ERT (v/b) + 10 ml ekstrak akasia (50 g/50 ml); (F) rumput raja + 3% ERT (v/b) + 10 ml ekstrak akasia (50 g/25 ml). Sebanyak 250 g bahan silase diensilase di dalam silo botol berukuran 400 ml dan disimpan pada suhu ruang (28 o C) selama 30 hari. Variabel yang diukur adalah karakterisistik ERT, karakteristik fermentasi, dan komposisi kimia silase. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis varians dan perbedaan antar perlakuan diuji menggunakan uji wilayah ganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah BAL pada ERT meningkat dari 0,8 × 10 7 cfu/ml menjadi 2,9 × 10 7 cfu/ml setelah diinkubasi selama 2 hari. Konsentrasi asam laktat pada silase dengan penambahan ERT atau dikombinasi dengan tanin akasia (B, C, D, E, dan F) lebih tinggi (P<0,01) dibanding silase A (kontrol). Silase dengan penambahan ERT atau dikombinasi dengan tanin akasia (C, D, E, dan F) mempunyai nilai pH yang lebih rendah dibandingkan silase A dan B. Konsentrasi N-NH 3 menurun sejalan dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi tanin akasia. Konsentrasi asam butirat lebih rendah pada silase B, C, D, E, dan F dibanding silase A. Penambahan ERT yang dikombinasikan dengan tanin yang berasal dari daun akasia meningkatkan kualitas silase rumput raja.
Jurnal Veteriner, 2018
Skin and submental glands of Papuan frogs have antibacterial compounds‘ which were capable to imp... more Skin and submental glands of Papuan frogs have antibacterial compounds‘ which were capable to impede growth of tested bacteria based on diffusion method. These frogs were Platymantis papuensis, Litoria infrafrenata, Bufo melanostictus, Rana grisea and Rana sp., and the tested bacterial were the positive Gram bacteria (Staphylococcus aereus, and Bacillus subtilis) and the negative Gram bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeroginosa). Skin frog which extracted with hot water (100oC) showed antibacterial activity which significantly impeded the growth of tested bacteria using diffusion method.
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Bacterial pigment extracts are the source of many natural antioxidant substances. The present stu... more Bacterial pigment extracts are the source of many natural antioxidant substances. The present study aimed to assess the antioxidant activity of an orange pigment derived from a marine bacterium, identified as Paracoccus haeundaensis SAB E11, analyzed by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2-azino-bis(ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS). Methanol-pigmented crude extract of P. haeundaensis SAB E11 exhibited the best DPPH scavenging activity with an IC50 value of 54.7 g/mL, while the n-hexane crude pigment extract of the bacterium reduced ABTS optimally with an IC50 value of 24.46 g/mL. The analysis of antioxidant compounds in P. haeundaensis SAB E11 was identified by combining liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS). The five antioxidant compounds from methanol and n-hexane crude pigment extract of P. haeundaensis SAB E11 have been detected. Polyphenols were found to be the major compound, such as 3,5,3',4'-tetrahydroxystilbene, scopoletin, and liquiritigenin. The other compounds were dihydroactinidiolide (terpenes) and ricinoleic acid (a fatty acid compound). The orange-colored extract of marine bacterium P. haeundaensis SAB E11 could be promising pharmacological capabilities as an antioxidant.
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2012
Organisme bentik laut seperti spons, seringkali hidup berasosiasi dengan bakteri yang menghasilka... more Organisme bentik laut seperti spons, seringkali hidup berasosiasi dengan bakteri yang menghasilkan senyawa antimikroba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemapuan antagonis isolat-isolat bakteri yang berasosiasi dengan spons Jaspis sp . terhadap beberapa bakteri patogen, dengan metode skrining secara kualitatif. Sebanyak 32 (45,71%) dan 20 (29,41%) isolat yang berasal dari bagian mesohyl dan permukaan Jaspis sp . menunjukkan kemampuan antimikroba, karena mampu menghambat pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus , Vibrio harveyii , Escherichia coli , Pseudomonas aerogenosa , EPEC K-11, Candida albicans , and C. tropicalis . Uji fenotipik dilakukan pada beberapa isolat dengan aktivitas antimikroba terbaik, yaitu SAB E-8, SAB E-33, SAB E-35, SAB E-38, SAB E-40 dan SAB S-43. Hasil pewarnaan Gram menujukkan isolat SAB E-8, SAB E35, and SAB E-40 adalah Gram negatif, sedangkan isolat SAB E-33, SAB E-38, and SAB S-43 adalah gram positif yang dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi parsi...
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, 2019
Cirrhilabrus cf. ryukyuensis from Cenderawasih Bay and Raja Ampat have different colormorphs with... more Cirrhilabrus cf. ryukyuensis from Cenderawasih Bay and Raja Ampat have different colormorphs with Cirrhilabrus ryukyuensis. This study was conducted to determine the phylogenetic relationship, evolution and genetic diversity of Cirrhilabrus cf. ryukyuensis based on Cytochrome oxidase sub unit 1 (COI) gene. Mitochondrial DNA extracted by using chelex 10%. FISH-BCH and BCL primers were used to amplify COI gene fragment and sequencing. Data analysis conducted by using software Sequencher 4.1 and MEGA 5. COI genes from six samples of C. cf rykyuensis from Cenderawasih Bay and Raja Ampat have total 613 base pairs. The average compositions of nucleotides are T 32.8%, C 26.3%, A 23.2% and G 17.7%. There is six positions of polymorphism that caused by transition. Conversion of nucleotides to amino acid sequence resulted in 204 amino acid with the same sequence. The phylogenetic tree from six sample showed that all in one clade, but different clade from Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura from GenBankA...
Sponges are one of the components that compose coral reef which have a potential bioactive substa... more Sponges are one of the components that compose coral reef which have a potential bioactive substance that has not been utilized. Sponges are generally able to survive in marine waters were nutrients are poor because of associations with other organisms, especially bacteria. This study aimed to isolate and characterize bacteria (endosymbiont and ectosimbion) that produce antimicrobial compounds, and analyze genetic diversity based on Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA). The results of isolation obtained 138 bacterial isolates, which are 70 endofit isolates and 68 surfaces isolates respectively. The results obtained, based on antimicrobial test, was 32 bacterial isolates (45.71%) of the total bacterial isolates that have endofit antimicrobial activity, whereas on the surface bacteria, 20 bacterial isolates (29.41%) of the total surface of the bacterial isolates also have antimicrobial activity. Genetic diversity was carried out on 30 isolates that has the best antimic...
Papers by Hermawaty Abubakar