Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia, 2015
El material histopatológico que se considera en esta ocasión demuestra que la hiperplasia endomet... more El material histopatológico que se considera en esta ocasión demuestra que la hiperplasia endometrial, como manifestación de un estado estrogénico persistente e incontrarrestado, desempeña un rol importante en la génesis del carcinoma endometria1. Las imágenes histológicas en estas circunstancias pueden corresponder a una hiperplasia glándulo-quística o a una hiperplasia adenomatosa. La hiperplasia endometrial glándulo-quística durante la menacma y el climaterio premenopáusico, reflejo de desequilibrios endocrinos, no tiene mayor importancia en estos períodos, pero cuando se hace presente en la postmenopausia adquiere una significativa influencia en relación con el desarrollo del carcinoma endometrial. La hiperplasia adenomatosa que evoluciona durante el período de madurez sexual reviste mayor importancia que la variedad glándulo-quística, pues si bien traduce al igual que ella la existencia de una disfunción endocrina y como ella constituye también una lesión reversible, su existen...
Hoy en dia los anclajes quimicos son ampliamente utilizados para la rehabilitacion de estructuras... more Hoy en dia los anclajes quimicos son ampliamente utilizados para la rehabilitacion de estructuras de hormigon armado existentes. Esto es debido a que son muy versatiles a la hora de incorporar elementos estructurales metalicos de refuerzo, como por ejemplo riostras metalicas a estructuras de hormigon existentes. En el presente trabajo se estudia la influencia de la fisuracion en la capacidad portante de los anclajes quimicos sometidos a traccion. Para tal fin se estudio cuales son los anchos de fisura posibles que pueden presentarse en una estructura de hormigon existente. Posteriormente se realizaron ensayos de arrancamiento de anclajes colocados en bloques de hormigon fisurados y sin fisurar. Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con las ecuaciones para calculo de capacidad de anclajes dadas en la normativa norteamericana para calculo de hormigon ACI318-14. Esta normativa no contempla el uso de anclajes en hormigones en los que no es posible controlar el ancho de fisura, por lo q...
En la industria de las telecomunicaciones las antenas generalmente son soportadas por mastiles re... more En la industria de las telecomunicaciones las antenas generalmente son soportadas por mastiles reticulados y arriostrados mediante tensores ubicados a distintas alturas. Estos sistemas estructurales presentan una importante cantidad de elementos (largueros y diagonales) por lo que es habitual en el diseno utilizar modelos equivalentes de representacion, resultando ello en un menor costo de analisis computacional. Estosmodelos de representacion surgen de reemplazar al reticulado espacial por una formulacion del tipo viga-columna equivalente. En un trabajo anterior se obtuvo una formulacion continua de nueve ecuaciones diferenciales (9ED) para un reticulado espacial en el cual la traza de los largueros determina una disposicion triangular con un mallado de union en cada uno de los tres planos que conforman los largueros dos a dos, conocido comunmente como reticulado en zig-zag. En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un modelo continuo reducido de seis ecuaciones diferenciales (6ED) que ...
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most frequent sexually-transmitted disease-causing bacterium. Urogen... more Chlamydia trachomatis is the most frequent sexually-transmitted disease-causing bacterium. Urogenital serovars of this intracellular pathogen lead to urethritis and cervicitis. Ascending infections result in pelvic inflammatory disease, salpingitis, and oophoritis. One of 200 urogenital infections leads to tubal infertility. Serovars A–C cause trachoma with visual impairment. There is an urgent need for a vaccine. We characterized a new five-component subunit vaccine in a mouse vaccination-lung challenge infection model. Four recombinant Pmp family-members and Ctad1 from C. trachomatis serovar E, all of which participate in adhesion and binding of chlamydial elementary bodies to host cells, were combined with the mucosal adjuvant cyclic-di-adenosine monophosphate. Intranasal application led to a high degree of cross-serovar protection against urogenital and ocular strains of C. trachomatis, which lasted at least five months. Critical evaluated parameters were body weight, clinical s...
Designing efficient vaccines against infectious diseases is a major health challenge. Vaccine dev... more Designing efficient vaccines against infectious diseases is a major health challenge. Vaccine development is divided into preclinical and clinical phases. Vaccine candidates (e.g., based on live or inactivated virus, protein, DNA, or RNA) are usually identified and tested in preclinical studies using in vitro and in vivo models before they can be tested in humans. Designing appropriate vaccine formulations encompasses careful selection of the antigen and, where Thomas Ebensen and Kai Schulze contributed equally to this work.
Dentro de las construcciones metalicas existen diversas estructuras constituidas por perfiles par... more Dentro de las construcciones metalicas existen diversas estructuras constituidas por perfiles paralelos denominados largueros, conectados entre si por mallas de reticulados. Una de estas estructuras resultan ser los mastiles reticulados, de uso habitual como estructura de soporte de antenas. En estos sistemas, las mallas de reticulados se presentan en forma repetida y sistematica, por lo que su analisis estructural detallado requiere un elevado costo computacional. Ante ello es comun utilizar modelos sustitutos de representacion que surgen de reemplazar al reticulado por un modelo equivalente, logrando disminuir notablemente el costo del analisis. En trabajos anteriores, se obtuvo una formulacion continua del problema partiendo de un modelo discreto, a traves de un pasaje al limite admitiendo un numero infinito de panos con reticulado. Se utilizo un enfoque variacional y cargas estaticas. Ahora se presentan, como extension, las ecuaciones de campo que gobiernan la dinamica del probl...
As the wireless communications spread there is an increasing demand of antenna supporting structu... more As the wireless communications spread there is an increasing demand of antenna supporting structures. A very common systems are lattice towers, either self-supported or guyed. The latter are chosen for economical reasons when there is enough space for their location. Radio and television employ structures that range between 100 and 600 m and communication towers for mobile phones are around 60 m though higher structures are also constructed. For large heights, guyed masts are indicated. However, it depends on the customer preferences, suppliers, budget and location. Generally, self-supported structures are preferred in urban areas and guyed masts in the countryside. Nowadays the demand for more accurate and reliable communication systems poses higher structural demands since the signal technology sometimes requires of very small motions of the supporting structures to achieve a high quality transmission. The design of these structures is, in general, carried out following the standa...
Las politicas publicas deben constituirse en la base de los planes y programas de todo Gobierno, ... more Las politicas publicas deben constituirse en la base de los planes y programas de todo Gobierno, y asi garantizar, mas alla de la teoria, la sostenibilidad, el desarrollo social rural y humano, como una alternativa de solucion a los conflictos y precariedades del campo. De esta manera, la pregunta de investigacion no debio ser otra que: ?son las politicas publicas en la Colombia agraria una respuesta efectiva para la solucion de problemas comunes en sectores marginados, la productividad rural y el posconflicto? Desde una metodologia exploratoria y descriptiva en la que se identifican variables como el beneficio social, los grupos vulnerados o afectados por la adversidad, la educacion para el trabajo y la productividad rural, en coordinacion con el grupo lasallista de economia solidaria y el apoyo de la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables de la Universidad de La Salle se vienen logrando en el municipio de Anolaima, Cundinamarca, resultados importantes que, como experienc...
Influenza infections are responsible for significant number of deaths and overwhelming costs worl... more Influenza infections are responsible for significant number of deaths and overwhelming costs worldwide every year. Vaccination represents the only cost-efficient alternative to address this major problem in human health. However, current vaccines are fraught by many limitations, being far from optimal. Among them, the need to upgrade vaccines every year through a time-consuming process open to different caveats, and the critical fact that they exhibit poorer efficacy in individuals who are at high risk for severe infections. Where are we? How can knowledge and technologies contribute towards removing current roadblocks? What does the future offer in terms of next generation vaccines?
Virus irradiation has been performed for many decades for basic research studies, sterilization, ... more Virus irradiation has been performed for many decades for basic research studies, sterilization, and vaccine development. The COVID-19 outbreak is currently causing an enormous effort worldwide for finding a vaccine against coronavirus. High doses of γ-rays can be used for the development of vaccines that exploit inactivated virus. This technique has been gradually replaced by more practical methods, in particular the use of chemicals, but irradiation remains a simple and effective method used in some cases. The technique employed for inactivating a virus has an impact on its ability to induce an adaptive immune response able to confer effective protection. We propose here that accelerated heavy ions can be used to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 viruses with small damage to the spike proteins of the envelope and can then provide an intact virion for vaccine development.
Black cherry (Prunus serotina) is a fruit tree native to North America, and almost all parts of t... more Black cherry (Prunus serotina) is a fruit tree native to North America, and almost all parts of this plant have some use. This species is a complex of five subspecies with morphological differences and distinctive habitats. The genetic structure of 18 natural populations of black cherry was evaluated with 16 microsatellite markers. One hundred sixty-four individuals were collected across seven states of Mexico, and another 14 in Texas. These individuals represented subspecies capuli (38), eximia (14), serotina (53), and virens (73). A total of 246 alleles was detected for the 16 markers. A Neighbor-Joining tree and a principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) revealed two major groups of individuals while Bayesian clustering analysis detected six main clusters that do not clearly correspond to the four putative subspecies studied. At the p ≥ 0.900 cut off values, the composition of these clusters indicates geographical structuring of the samples; their genetic differentiation suggests gene flow among populations with geographical proximity. This is the first time that molecular markers have been used to assess the genetic structure present in natural populations of four subspecies of black cherry with the goal of evaluating their taxonomic classification and providing guidelines for in situ conservation of genetic resources of the species.
It is well know that anti-HLA antibodies are an important obstacle in kidney transplantation. Our... more It is well know that anti-HLA antibodies are an important obstacle in kidney transplantation. Our aim was to study the clinical impact of pretransplant donor specific anti-HLA antibodies (HLA-DSA), in highly sensitized (HS) patients. We analyzed retrospectively the day-of-transplant sera by Luminex Single Antigen Assay (LSA) in HS patients, and the results were correlated with episodes of humoral and cellular rejection as well as with graft and patient survival. All HS subjects received the same induction therapy and rejection episodes were biopsy proven. Thirteen patients (56.5%) preformed HLA-DSA, and we observed higher incidence of acute rejection in aforementioned patients than in the pre-transplant negatives DSA recipients (77% versus 30%, ). The one-year graft survival was significantly reduced in positive pre-transplant HLA-DSA patients (60% versus 100%, Breslow). The positive predicted value of HLA-DSA in relation to rejection reached 100% if patients lost their previous gra...
Runway tests are considered indicative of underlying sociality in birds and their ability to make... more Runway tests are considered indicative of underlying sociality in birds and their ability to make social discriminations and establish interactions among conspecifics. Herein, social reinstatement behavior in male juvenile Japanese quail selected for a reduced (LS, low stress) or exaggerated (HS, high stress) adrenocortical response to brief mechanical restraint was evaluated. Individual males were given the choice to reinstate with either 2 (low density, LD) or 8 (high density, HD) unfamiliar randombred conspecifics placed in goal boxes at opposite ends of a two-choice runway (TCRW). Then, the same males were individually retested in a single goal box runway wherein they were exposed to a goal box containing either a LD or a HD of males. In the TCRW, a higher (P < 0.01) number of HS males started their ambulation toward the goal box containing the HD as opposed to LD of conspecifics. The HS males also spent more (P < 0.01) time in close proximity (within a 10-cm close zone; CZ) to the HD (218 s) rather than LD (57 s) of conspecifics. In contrast, the LS males did not differ in their initial direction of travel and they spent similar average amounts of times in the CZ of their stimulus LD (141 s) and HD (124 s) conspecifics. Similar to the TCRW results, in the single goal box runway, HS males spent more (P < 0.01) time in the CZ of HD rather than LD conspecifics, whereas LS quail spent similar amounts of time in the CZ of LD and HD males. Considering that runways are novel (and therefore frightening) environments, our findings suggest that HS quail may find better shelter (i.e., more comfort) in close proximity to a larger rather than smaller group of conspecifics, whereas LS birds find groups of varying conspecific density equally attractive. The results suggest that LS quail possess favorable social adaptive qualities because they appear to be better suited to cope with situations where the density of conspecifics is variable.
Background. Several groups have demonstrated that non-heart beating donation is a viable source o... more Background. Several groups have demonstrated that non-heart beating donation is a viable source of organs for transplantation. However, the theoretically worse graft function and survival of the kidneys obtained from non-heart beating donors (NHBDs) is still a matter of debate that has led to consider them as marginal donors for kidney transplantation. Methods. In this report, we compare the outcome and course of 83 kidney transplants from NHBDs with those corresponding to 3177 adult cadaveric heart beating donor (HBD) transplants performed over the same period in our country. Graft and patient survival were estimated by means of Kaplan-Meier analysis. In addition, groups were compared using Cox proportional regression. Results. The delayed graft function (DGF) rate was higher on NHBD transplants than in HBD kidneys (58.8 vs 28.9%, P<0.0001). However, in 1998, where the highest number of NHBD transplants was performed, graft function estimated by serum creatinine levels at 3 months and 1 year, was significantly better in the NHBD transplant group (1.42±0.45 vs 1.66±0.66 and 1.45±0.59 vs 1.62±0.64, respectively, P ¼ 0.01 and 0.07). Graft survival at 2 years was 97%, 95% at 4 years and 84% at 6 years for NHBDs and 97, 90 and 84%, respectively, for HBDs. Interestingly, DGF was a risk factor for worse graft survival in HBDs but not on NHBDs. Conclusions. We conclude that, in our study, both graft function and graft survival of NHBD kidney transplants are at least similar to those from HBD transplants. Therefore, NHBDs should be considered as a viable source of non-marginal kidneys for transplant.
Hepatitis C virus isolates which disclosed a novel genotype 1-associated restriction pattern by r... more Hepatitis C virus isolates which disclosed a novel genotype 1-associated restriction pattern by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis were characterized. Except for a mother and child pair, the patients were unrelated. Sequence analysis showed a G→A substitution leading to a new Rsa I recognition site. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that these isolates constitute a novel genetic lineage within the main cluster of genotype 1 strains.
Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia, 2015
El material histopatológico que se considera en esta ocasión demuestra que la hiperplasia endomet... more El material histopatológico que se considera en esta ocasión demuestra que la hiperplasia endometrial, como manifestación de un estado estrogénico persistente e incontrarrestado, desempeña un rol importante en la génesis del carcinoma endometria1. Las imágenes histológicas en estas circunstancias pueden corresponder a una hiperplasia glándulo-quística o a una hiperplasia adenomatosa. La hiperplasia endometrial glándulo-quística durante la menacma y el climaterio premenopáusico, reflejo de desequilibrios endocrinos, no tiene mayor importancia en estos períodos, pero cuando se hace presente en la postmenopausia adquiere una significativa influencia en relación con el desarrollo del carcinoma endometrial. La hiperplasia adenomatosa que evoluciona durante el período de madurez sexual reviste mayor importancia que la variedad glándulo-quística, pues si bien traduce al igual que ella la existencia de una disfunción endocrina y como ella constituye también una lesión reversible, su existen...
Hoy en dia los anclajes quimicos son ampliamente utilizados para la rehabilitacion de estructuras... more Hoy en dia los anclajes quimicos son ampliamente utilizados para la rehabilitacion de estructuras de hormigon armado existentes. Esto es debido a que son muy versatiles a la hora de incorporar elementos estructurales metalicos de refuerzo, como por ejemplo riostras metalicas a estructuras de hormigon existentes. En el presente trabajo se estudia la influencia de la fisuracion en la capacidad portante de los anclajes quimicos sometidos a traccion. Para tal fin se estudio cuales son los anchos de fisura posibles que pueden presentarse en una estructura de hormigon existente. Posteriormente se realizaron ensayos de arrancamiento de anclajes colocados en bloques de hormigon fisurados y sin fisurar. Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con las ecuaciones para calculo de capacidad de anclajes dadas en la normativa norteamericana para calculo de hormigon ACI318-14. Esta normativa no contempla el uso de anclajes en hormigones en los que no es posible controlar el ancho de fisura, por lo q...
En la industria de las telecomunicaciones las antenas generalmente son soportadas por mastiles re... more En la industria de las telecomunicaciones las antenas generalmente son soportadas por mastiles reticulados y arriostrados mediante tensores ubicados a distintas alturas. Estos sistemas estructurales presentan una importante cantidad de elementos (largueros y diagonales) por lo que es habitual en el diseno utilizar modelos equivalentes de representacion, resultando ello en un menor costo de analisis computacional. Estosmodelos de representacion surgen de reemplazar al reticulado espacial por una formulacion del tipo viga-columna equivalente. En un trabajo anterior se obtuvo una formulacion continua de nueve ecuaciones diferenciales (9ED) para un reticulado espacial en el cual la traza de los largueros determina una disposicion triangular con un mallado de union en cada uno de los tres planos que conforman los largueros dos a dos, conocido comunmente como reticulado en zig-zag. En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un modelo continuo reducido de seis ecuaciones diferenciales (6ED) que ...
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most frequent sexually-transmitted disease-causing bacterium. Urogen... more Chlamydia trachomatis is the most frequent sexually-transmitted disease-causing bacterium. Urogenital serovars of this intracellular pathogen lead to urethritis and cervicitis. Ascending infections result in pelvic inflammatory disease, salpingitis, and oophoritis. One of 200 urogenital infections leads to tubal infertility. Serovars A–C cause trachoma with visual impairment. There is an urgent need for a vaccine. We characterized a new five-component subunit vaccine in a mouse vaccination-lung challenge infection model. Four recombinant Pmp family-members and Ctad1 from C. trachomatis serovar E, all of which participate in adhesion and binding of chlamydial elementary bodies to host cells, were combined with the mucosal adjuvant cyclic-di-adenosine monophosphate. Intranasal application led to a high degree of cross-serovar protection against urogenital and ocular strains of C. trachomatis, which lasted at least five months. Critical evaluated parameters were body weight, clinical s...
Designing efficient vaccines against infectious diseases is a major health challenge. Vaccine dev... more Designing efficient vaccines against infectious diseases is a major health challenge. Vaccine development is divided into preclinical and clinical phases. Vaccine candidates (e.g., based on live or inactivated virus, protein, DNA, or RNA) are usually identified and tested in preclinical studies using in vitro and in vivo models before they can be tested in humans. Designing appropriate vaccine formulations encompasses careful selection of the antigen and, where Thomas Ebensen and Kai Schulze contributed equally to this work.
Dentro de las construcciones metalicas existen diversas estructuras constituidas por perfiles par... more Dentro de las construcciones metalicas existen diversas estructuras constituidas por perfiles paralelos denominados largueros, conectados entre si por mallas de reticulados. Una de estas estructuras resultan ser los mastiles reticulados, de uso habitual como estructura de soporte de antenas. En estos sistemas, las mallas de reticulados se presentan en forma repetida y sistematica, por lo que su analisis estructural detallado requiere un elevado costo computacional. Ante ello es comun utilizar modelos sustitutos de representacion que surgen de reemplazar al reticulado por un modelo equivalente, logrando disminuir notablemente el costo del analisis. En trabajos anteriores, se obtuvo una formulacion continua del problema partiendo de un modelo discreto, a traves de un pasaje al limite admitiendo un numero infinito de panos con reticulado. Se utilizo un enfoque variacional y cargas estaticas. Ahora se presentan, como extension, las ecuaciones de campo que gobiernan la dinamica del probl...
As the wireless communications spread there is an increasing demand of antenna supporting structu... more As the wireless communications spread there is an increasing demand of antenna supporting structures. A very common systems are lattice towers, either self-supported or guyed. The latter are chosen for economical reasons when there is enough space for their location. Radio and television employ structures that range between 100 and 600 m and communication towers for mobile phones are around 60 m though higher structures are also constructed. For large heights, guyed masts are indicated. However, it depends on the customer preferences, suppliers, budget and location. Generally, self-supported structures are preferred in urban areas and guyed masts in the countryside. Nowadays the demand for more accurate and reliable communication systems poses higher structural demands since the signal technology sometimes requires of very small motions of the supporting structures to achieve a high quality transmission. The design of these structures is, in general, carried out following the standa...
Las politicas publicas deben constituirse en la base de los planes y programas de todo Gobierno, ... more Las politicas publicas deben constituirse en la base de los planes y programas de todo Gobierno, y asi garantizar, mas alla de la teoria, la sostenibilidad, el desarrollo social rural y humano, como una alternativa de solucion a los conflictos y precariedades del campo. De esta manera, la pregunta de investigacion no debio ser otra que: ?son las politicas publicas en la Colombia agraria una respuesta efectiva para la solucion de problemas comunes en sectores marginados, la productividad rural y el posconflicto? Desde una metodologia exploratoria y descriptiva en la que se identifican variables como el beneficio social, los grupos vulnerados o afectados por la adversidad, la educacion para el trabajo y la productividad rural, en coordinacion con el grupo lasallista de economia solidaria y el apoyo de la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables de la Universidad de La Salle se vienen logrando en el municipio de Anolaima, Cundinamarca, resultados importantes que, como experienc...
Influenza infections are responsible for significant number of deaths and overwhelming costs worl... more Influenza infections are responsible for significant number of deaths and overwhelming costs worldwide every year. Vaccination represents the only cost-efficient alternative to address this major problem in human health. However, current vaccines are fraught by many limitations, being far from optimal. Among them, the need to upgrade vaccines every year through a time-consuming process open to different caveats, and the critical fact that they exhibit poorer efficacy in individuals who are at high risk for severe infections. Where are we? How can knowledge and technologies contribute towards removing current roadblocks? What does the future offer in terms of next generation vaccines?
Virus irradiation has been performed for many decades for basic research studies, sterilization, ... more Virus irradiation has been performed for many decades for basic research studies, sterilization, and vaccine development. The COVID-19 outbreak is currently causing an enormous effort worldwide for finding a vaccine against coronavirus. High doses of γ-rays can be used for the development of vaccines that exploit inactivated virus. This technique has been gradually replaced by more practical methods, in particular the use of chemicals, but irradiation remains a simple and effective method used in some cases. The technique employed for inactivating a virus has an impact on its ability to induce an adaptive immune response able to confer effective protection. We propose here that accelerated heavy ions can be used to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 viruses with small damage to the spike proteins of the envelope and can then provide an intact virion for vaccine development.
Black cherry (Prunus serotina) is a fruit tree native to North America, and almost all parts of t... more Black cherry (Prunus serotina) is a fruit tree native to North America, and almost all parts of this plant have some use. This species is a complex of five subspecies with morphological differences and distinctive habitats. The genetic structure of 18 natural populations of black cherry was evaluated with 16 microsatellite markers. One hundred sixty-four individuals were collected across seven states of Mexico, and another 14 in Texas. These individuals represented subspecies capuli (38), eximia (14), serotina (53), and virens (73). A total of 246 alleles was detected for the 16 markers. A Neighbor-Joining tree and a principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) revealed two major groups of individuals while Bayesian clustering analysis detected six main clusters that do not clearly correspond to the four putative subspecies studied. At the p ≥ 0.900 cut off values, the composition of these clusters indicates geographical structuring of the samples; their genetic differentiation suggests gene flow among populations with geographical proximity. This is the first time that molecular markers have been used to assess the genetic structure present in natural populations of four subspecies of black cherry with the goal of evaluating their taxonomic classification and providing guidelines for in situ conservation of genetic resources of the species.
It is well know that anti-HLA antibodies are an important obstacle in kidney transplantation. Our... more It is well know that anti-HLA antibodies are an important obstacle in kidney transplantation. Our aim was to study the clinical impact of pretransplant donor specific anti-HLA antibodies (HLA-DSA), in highly sensitized (HS) patients. We analyzed retrospectively the day-of-transplant sera by Luminex Single Antigen Assay (LSA) in HS patients, and the results were correlated with episodes of humoral and cellular rejection as well as with graft and patient survival. All HS subjects received the same induction therapy and rejection episodes were biopsy proven. Thirteen patients (56.5%) preformed HLA-DSA, and we observed higher incidence of acute rejection in aforementioned patients than in the pre-transplant negatives DSA recipients (77% versus 30%, ). The one-year graft survival was significantly reduced in positive pre-transplant HLA-DSA patients (60% versus 100%, Breslow). The positive predicted value of HLA-DSA in relation to rejection reached 100% if patients lost their previous gra...
Runway tests are considered indicative of underlying sociality in birds and their ability to make... more Runway tests are considered indicative of underlying sociality in birds and their ability to make social discriminations and establish interactions among conspecifics. Herein, social reinstatement behavior in male juvenile Japanese quail selected for a reduced (LS, low stress) or exaggerated (HS, high stress) adrenocortical response to brief mechanical restraint was evaluated. Individual males were given the choice to reinstate with either 2 (low density, LD) or 8 (high density, HD) unfamiliar randombred conspecifics placed in goal boxes at opposite ends of a two-choice runway (TCRW). Then, the same males were individually retested in a single goal box runway wherein they were exposed to a goal box containing either a LD or a HD of males. In the TCRW, a higher (P &amp;amp;lt; 0.01) number of HS males started their ambulation toward the goal box containing the HD as opposed to LD of conspecifics. The HS males also spent more (P &amp;amp;lt; 0.01) time in close proximity (within a 10-cm close zone; CZ) to the HD (218 s) rather than LD (57 s) of conspecifics. In contrast, the LS males did not differ in their initial direction of travel and they spent similar average amounts of times in the CZ of their stimulus LD (141 s) and HD (124 s) conspecifics. Similar to the TCRW results, in the single goal box runway, HS males spent more (P &amp;amp;lt; 0.01) time in the CZ of HD rather than LD conspecifics, whereas LS quail spent similar amounts of time in the CZ of LD and HD males. Considering that runways are novel (and therefore frightening) environments, our findings suggest that HS quail may find better shelter (i.e., more comfort) in close proximity to a larger rather than smaller group of conspecifics, whereas LS birds find groups of varying conspecific density equally attractive. The results suggest that LS quail possess favorable social adaptive qualities because they appear to be better suited to cope with situations where the density of conspecifics is variable.
Background. Several groups have demonstrated that non-heart beating donation is a viable source o... more Background. Several groups have demonstrated that non-heart beating donation is a viable source of organs for transplantation. However, the theoretically worse graft function and survival of the kidneys obtained from non-heart beating donors (NHBDs) is still a matter of debate that has led to consider them as marginal donors for kidney transplantation. Methods. In this report, we compare the outcome and course of 83 kidney transplants from NHBDs with those corresponding to 3177 adult cadaveric heart beating donor (HBD) transplants performed over the same period in our country. Graft and patient survival were estimated by means of Kaplan-Meier analysis. In addition, groups were compared using Cox proportional regression. Results. The delayed graft function (DGF) rate was higher on NHBD transplants than in HBD kidneys (58.8 vs 28.9%, P<0.0001). However, in 1998, where the highest number of NHBD transplants was performed, graft function estimated by serum creatinine levels at 3 months and 1 year, was significantly better in the NHBD transplant group (1.42±0.45 vs 1.66±0.66 and 1.45±0.59 vs 1.62±0.64, respectively, P ¼ 0.01 and 0.07). Graft survival at 2 years was 97%, 95% at 4 years and 84% at 6 years for NHBDs and 97, 90 and 84%, respectively, for HBDs. Interestingly, DGF was a risk factor for worse graft survival in HBDs but not on NHBDs. Conclusions. We conclude that, in our study, both graft function and graft survival of NHBD kidney transplants are at least similar to those from HBD transplants. Therefore, NHBDs should be considered as a viable source of non-marginal kidneys for transplant.
Hepatitis C virus isolates which disclosed a novel genotype 1-associated restriction pattern by r... more Hepatitis C virus isolates which disclosed a novel genotype 1-associated restriction pattern by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis were characterized. Except for a mother and child pair, the patients were unrelated. Sequence analysis showed a G→A substitution leading to a new Rsa I recognition site. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that these isolates constitute a novel genetic lineage within the main cluster of genotype 1 strains.
Papers by Alberto Guzmán