Papers by Ali Imamalipour
IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Geological Quarterly, May 1, 2020
As so ci ate Ed i tor: Krzysztof Szama³ek The Dagh Dali Zn-Pb (±Au) hy dro ther mal pros pect is ... more As so ci ate Ed i tor: Krzysztof Szama³ek The Dagh Dali Zn-Pb (±Au) hy dro ther mal pros pect is lo cated in the northwest of Iran. Iden ti fi ca tion of min er al ized zones is es sen tial in ore de posit ex plo ra tion. Dif fer ent meth ods have been de vel oped and ap plied to sep a rate min er al ized zones from bar ren host rocks based on min er al og i cal and pet ro graph i cal stud ies, al ter ation and host rock changes as well as sta tis ti cal and geostatistical pa ram e ters. This study uses the or di nary kriging tech nique and the con cen tra tion-vol ume fractal (C-V) method to model the ore body and rec og nize the ore grade dis tri bu tion. These tech niques were ap plied on the drillcore data and C-V fractal mod el ling, val ues of var i ous ore zones be ing de ter mined. Four break points were found in the log-log plots which cor re spond to con cen tra tions of 5.4, 10.5, and 17.8 wt.% Zn. The extractable ore zone for Zn is con sid ered to be in the con cen tra tion range of 5.4 to 17.8 wt.%. Com pared to the amount of re serve ob tained from the geostatistical method (303,685 tons), it seems that the fractal method is more pre cise and ac cu rate in the es ti ma tion of ore re serves.
Some Fe and Fe-Mn deposits are found within sedimentary pelagic rocks and radiolarian cherts of t... more Some Fe and Fe-Mn deposits are found within sedimentary pelagic rocks and radiolarian cherts of the Khoy ophiolite. Mn-Fe mineralizations in Safo area north of Chalderan City are examples of them. In Safo area, deposition of manganese occurred as lense-like orebodies in different horizons within pelagic rocks. They are stratiform and have synsedimentary origin. Mineralogically, braunite, pyrolusite, bixbyite, and hematite are the main minerals present in ore and calcite, quartz and barite are principal gangue minerals.The banded, massive and disseminated textures are seen in ore bodies. Geochemical and geological evidence indicates that deposition of ore minerals took place from submarine hydrothermal solutions (exhalative) on the neotethyan oceanic basin during late Cretaceous time. The Mn/Fe ratios in this deposit are highly variable and ranges from 1.35 to 31.7 with an average of 8. This mean ratio is many times higher than that of mid-ocean metalliferous sediments. The high ratio of Mn/Fe and Si/Al, very low content of trace metals specially Co, Ni and Cu, low values of Y and Ce, and high values of SiO 2 , Mn, Fe, Ba and Sr provide good evidence for Mn enrichment by exhalative hydrothermal fluids and also for insignificant contribution of hydrogenetic processes in formation of this deposit. The study of correlation coefficients among different oxides and elements show that there are no meaningful relationships among Cu, Co and Ni in exhalative hydrothermal solutions rich in Si, Mn and Fe.
Journal of Economic Geology, 2010
Lithology and Mineral Resources, Jul 7, 2023
Geological Quarterly, Jul 8, 2019
ver sity, De part ment of Min ing En gi neer ing, 57153-165 Urmia, Is lamic Re pub lic of Iran Im... more ver sity, De part ment of Min ing En gi neer ing, 57153-165 Urmia, Is lamic Re pub lic of Iran Imamalipour, A., Barak, S., 2019. Geo chem is try and tec tonic set ting of the vol ca nic host rocks of VMS min er ali sa tion in the Qezil Dash area, NW Iran: im pli ca tions for pros pect ing of Cy prus-type VMS de pos its in the Khoy ophiolite. Geo log i cal Quarterly, 63 (3): 435-448,
Chemie der Erde, Nov 1, 2021
Abstract This work has evaluated the functionality of various fuzzy-based fusion methods in the m... more Abstract This work has evaluated the functionality of various fuzzy-based fusion methods in the mineral potential mapping (MPM), by which a multi-criteria decision-making problem was solved to design a layout for drilling complementary boreholes through a comprehensive analysis of geospatial datasets. The novel methods employed were fuzzy c-means clustering, fuzzy gamma operator, fuzzy inference system (FIS), fuzzy outranking, and fuzzy ordered weighted averaging (FOWA). Kahang porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in the Isfahan province of Iran was chosen as a case study to examine the performance of these fuzzy methods in MPM. Extracted geospatial indicator layers for assessing the potential of porphyry-type mineralization were derived from four criteria, namely geology (rock units and faults), remote sensing (alteration map), geochemistry (Cu, Mo, and factor maps), and geophysics (reduced to the pole and analytical signal of magnetic data). The concentration-area multifractal method was utilized to reclassify each synthesized fuzzy favorability map into five classes. To appraise and compare the efficiency of each employed method, a productivity measure assumed as a cumulative summation of Cu grade multiplied by its thickness above an economical cut-off value of 0.2% was calculated along with each drilling (totally 33 ones). According to fuzzy favorability maps derived from running all fuzzy methods, the FIS and FOWA had the highest efficiency with 80 and 78% of accuracy, respectively. Eventually, taking all fuzzy maps into account led to the delineation of some new favorable zones, whereby further exploratory investigations are envisioned for determining their mining potential.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2013
Journal of Economic Geology, Jan 21, 2011
Minerals, Sep 2, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Geochemistry-exploration Environment Analysis, Dec 3, 2018
The Tavreh mercury prospect is located in the NW of Iran. This prospect is a listwaenite alterati... more The Tavreh mercury prospect is located in the NW of Iran. This prospect is a listwaenite alteration and mineralization system which is controlled by structural agents and is restricted to shear zones. In this study, the primary geochemical halo was investigated to estimate the level of erosion of mineralization based on the lithogeochemical data. These data were obtained by ICP-MS analysis following an aqua regia decomposition of 64 samples along 13 profiles and 30 samples collected from trenches. The prediction of the erosion level of a geochemical anomaly is usually accomplished by comparing the values of the vertical geochemical patterns with values of the same parameters that are known around similar mineralization. The (As.Sb.Ag/Cu.Co.Ni) (Vz1 index) and (Sb.As/Pb.Zn) (Vz2 index) zonation indices were used as geochemical indicators to detect the present level of geochemical anomalies in the Tavareh region. The average value of the Vz1 index was 1.98 × 10−4, which is higher than the middle part of the recognized listwaenite-type mercury deposits and is lower than the upper part of the supra-ore halo. The average value of the Vz2 index is 3.76, which also indicates a supra-ore geochemical halo. Values of Vz1 and Vz2 indices imply the presence of sub-cropping of the main part of the ore body in the Tavreh area. It is expected that values of Vz1 and Vz2 decrease with increasing depth.
The Heydarabad bauxite-laterite deposit is located in 63 km southeast of Urmia city. This ore dep... more The Heydarabad bauxite-laterite deposit is located in 63 km southeast of Urmia city. This ore deposit occurs as a concordant layer within the boundaries of Upper Permian and Lower Triassic carbonate units (limestone and dolomite), although it has been suffered some tectonic displacements along its direction. The studied horizon varies from 15-20 m in thickness and has an east-west trend with a length of 3.5 km. This deposit consists primarily of two parts of dark and light in color. The former is rich in hematite and corundum, (upper horizon) and the latter in phyllo-aluminosilicates (lower horizon) with an gradual boundary, respectively. Common textures are mostly pisolitic, nodular, oolitic and massive. Based on the microscopic studies and XRD analysis, the main mineral components are hematite, diaspore, chloritoid, and corundum. On the other hand, chlorite, rutile, magnetite and pyrite are found as accessory phases. The Heydarabad bauxite-laterite horizon is different from those occurred into the Iran-Himalayan belt based on the absence of boehmite, kaolinite and other clay minerals, and the abundance of corundum, chloritoid and chlorite. The geological and mineralogical evidences indicated that a thermal metamorphic event was responsible for the formation of this special mineralogical composition after bauxitization processes. Based on geological, mineralogical, and chemical characteristics, it can be proposed that the probable parent rocks for the Heydarabad bauxite are mafic sills and diabasic dykes. Due to considerable accumulation of minerals which their hardness is greater than 6, this ore deposit can be presented as a potential for abrasive applications.
Lithology and Mineral Resources
Chlorite group minerals have a wide range of chemical compositions which reflect the physicochemi... more Chlorite group minerals have a wide range of chemical compositions which reflect the physicochemical conditions of their crystallization. The solid solution (cationic substitution) model in crystal lattice of chlorite were satisfactorily used in estimation of its formation temperature in different geologic environments such as ore deposits, low-degree metamorphism, hydrothermal alteration and diagenesis by some researchers. In present research, the chlorite geothermometry method was used in the estimation of temperature of hydrothermal alteration and massive sulfide mineralization in the Qezildash area, northwest of Khoy city. In this work, at first, petrographic and mineralogical (XRD) studies were carried out on the samples taken from surface and borehole drilling cores. Eleven chlorite crystal grains which belong to different parts of hydrothermal system were selected and analyzed by electron microprobe equipment. Structural formulate were calculated on the basis of 14 oxygens. C...
Journal of Economic Geology, 2010
In recent days, computer is becoming one of the most essential instruments in advanced countries ... more In recent days, computer is becoming one of the most essential instruments in advanced countries for the researchers and the domain of its application is going to be increased every day. Using the 3D modeling of the earth, its mine resources and the brilliant details which are given by the models, the researching and exploring groups will find out the inconspicuous and attractive aspects of the genetic structure and the geological history of these resources. In this paper which is a result of the researches done as the case study on a group of aragonite deposits in West Azarbaijan province, modeling of under study mineral deposits and the genetic approaches obtained from the models lead into explore and discover some other resources of the same minerals which is widely accepted recently in the market of decorative rocks in Iran. In modeling procedure of these resources which is a product of the geysers, the profile of these lime generating springs and their directional order on some...
This is an "accepted before publication" version of the paper that has been deemed acce... more This is an "accepted before publication" version of the paper that has been deemed acceptable for publication in the Journal of Economic Geology after the judging process. This version will be published online after the announcement of acceptance and before the editing process. The article, after the final preparation and publication process, will be removed from the accepted version before publication and will be published in a specific issue on the journal's website. Page layout and technical editing will cause formal changes to the article.
Journal of Economic Geology, 2013
Qareh Qeshlaq marble quarry as one of the valuable resources of ornamental stones in West Azarbai... more Qareh Qeshlaq marble quarry as one of the valuable resources of ornamental stones in West Azarbaijan province formed through thermal carbonate springs while its mineral deposit thickness is limited in comparison with surface extension. In the present research, geological and blocky modeling of the marble deposit was carried out in order to develop a production planning for this quarry, identifying the position of single-marketable-block extracted from it and increasing its economical aspects for exploitation. During the study, in addition to preparing a geological and blocky model for the quarry, firstly the optimum dimensions of its extractable single marketable-block were quantified and then through representing the confining surfaces equation of marble strata in the computer, the optimal maximum dimension and the number and exact location of the single marketable-blocks were determined and presented to the operating team. Based on the findings of these studies and according to th...
Journal of Economic Geology, 2019
Introduction Podiform chromite deposits are small magmatic chromite bodies formed in the lower se... more Introduction Podiform chromite deposits are small magmatic chromite bodies formed in the lower section of an ophiolite complex. Podiform chromite mines have produced 57.4 percent of the world's total chromite production. Most ore bodies are irregularly dispersed and relatively small, between 0.0004 and 1 Mt, averaging 0.011 Mt (United States Geological Survey, 2012), and reserves greater than 1Mt are most uncommon (Evans, 1998). The Khoy ophiolite covers an extensive area in the northwest of Iran along the Iran-Turkey border. This ophiolite zone comprises one of the most promising areas for prospecting of chromite deposits as a result of extensive outcrops of ultramafic rocks. The Kochuk area is located in the western domain of the Khoy ophiolite (Fig. 1). Some geological and geochemical investigations have been carried out for recognition of chromite deposits in this area by the authors during the last 15 years. The geological criteria of prospecting for chromite deposits from ...
Papers by Ali Imamalipour