Papers by Andrés Covelo Franco
![Research paper thumbnail of Role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase on renal dysfunction after hemorrhagic shock in rats](
Hemorrhagic shock has been reported to induce renal dysfunction as a consequence of different kin... more Hemorrhagic shock has been reported to induce renal dysfunction as a consequence of different kinds of local inflammatory response. p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is a key mediator in organ dysfunction relating to the inflammatory states, and acts as an important mediator in the intracellular signal pathway for proliferation, differentiation, and production of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IL-1beta. The effect of p38 MAPK on the hemorrhagic damage has not been clearly estimated as yet. In this study, our aim was to evaluate the role of p38 MAPK on the renal damage during the first 5 h after a hemorrhage using a specific inhibitor of p38 MAPK activation, FR167653. p38 MAPK activation increased immediately after a hemorrhage and decreased with time. renal mRNA expression of TNF-alpha and IL-1beta increased, renal dysfunction continued to progress, and histological inflammatory injuries were confirmed after hemorrhagic shock. With the pretreatment of FR167653, all of these hemorrhagic changes were attenuated, although the induction of the primary hypotensive state was confirmed. This study demonstrated that renal p38 MAPK is activated in hemorrhagic shock, promotes the expression of proinflammatory cytokines in the kidney, and consequently develops renal dysfunction. We concluded that p38 MAPK activation is essential in causing renal damage and that the inhibition of p38 MAPK activation blocks the development of the renal dysfunction after hemorrhagic shock.
African Studies, 1977
... was an iconographic device for making graphic statements and focusing attention on a segment ... more ... was an iconographic device for making graphic statements and focusing attention on a segment of the wide semantic spectrum of ... superimposed for magical reasons and the beliefs of Australian aborigines, hardly germane to an interpretation of southern African rock art, do not ...
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie, Nov 1, 1908
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der typischen Luxationsfraktur des Interea algelenkes. Yon Dr. V. Sehoeh, ge... more Beitrag zur Kenntnis der typischen Luxationsfraktur des Interea algelenkes. Yon Dr. V. Sehoeh, gewes. Privatassistent yon Prof. de Quorvain, in La Chaux-de-Fonds, z. Z. Assistenzarzt am Krankenasyl Neumiinster in Ziirich.
![Research paper thumbnail of 40-P: Lack of association between immune function and humoral sensitization in renal transplant recipients](
Human Immunology - HUM IMMUNOL, 2008
In a cohort of renal transplant recipients who received an immunosuppression (IS) regimen utilizi... more In a cohort of renal transplant recipients who received an immunosuppression (IS) regimen utilizing T cell depletion induction and FK monotherapy, we have shown that monitoring for Immune Function (IF) by ImmunKnow correlated with a decrease of IS. We also determined humoral sensitization (HS) by assessing the circulating anti-HLA Ab. This study was to assess the relationship between IF and the level of HS in matched samples. Methods: The Cylex ImmunKnow® Assay is for the detection of cell-mediated immunity in an immunosuppressed population. The serum samples were tested for the presence of HLA-specific Ab by solid phase ELISA methods. Donor-specific antibody (DSA) was detected by Elisa and Luminex® methods. Results: There is no difference between the IF measured by ATP ng/ml in renal transplant recipients who exhibited ELISA-PRA for Class I or II Ͻ or Ͼ20%. No correlation between the level of IF and the presence of anti-HLA DSA was seen. We identified several patterns in patients: 1) Stable ImmunKnow values (100-300 ATP ng/ml) ϩ/anti-HLA Ab 2) Low ImmuKnow (ATPϽ100ng/ml) levels after treatment for antibody mediated rejection; 3) Low ImmuKnow in association with viral infections. Conclusions: We show no correlation between the IF by the ImmuKnow Assay and the extent of HS by ELISA-PRA for Ab. This data supports the notion that these two tests: Immuknow and screening for anti-HLA Ab are independent measurements of the cellular and humoral arm of the immune response respectively. Both assays contribute to guide the clinical decisions to provide individualized immunosuppression to maintain graft function.
Addison-Wesley Publishing …
This work falls into two parts. In the flrst part, we characterize the sets of all ƒ2 and all B(§... more This work falls into two parts. In the flrst part, we characterize the sets of all ƒ2 and all B(§1) (= boolean combinations of §1) theorems of Iƒ¡ 1 in terms of restricted exponentiation; and use these characterizations to prove that both sets are not deductively equivalent. In the second part, we investigate how these results generalize to Iƒ¡ 2 . We present a new model{theoretic approach to Iƒ ¡ 2 that allows us to obtain informative characterizations of the set of all ƒ2 and all B(§2) theorems of Iƒ¡ 2 ; and to give a model{theoretic proof of a conservation result by L. Beklemishev's stating that Iƒ¡ 2 is a B(§2) conservative extension of I§ ¡ 1 .
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
The main goal of this paper is to propose some geometric approaches to the computations of non-di... more The main goal of this paper is to propose some geometric approaches to the computations of non-discrete P systems. The behavior of this kind of P systems is similar to that of classic systems, with the difference that the contents of the membranes are represented by non-discrete multisets (the multiplicities can be non-integers) and, consequently, also the number of applications of a rule in a transition step can be non-integer.
Vaccines, Nov 12, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
![Research paper thumbnail of Metodología para la certificación anual de gestión y las evaluaciones parciales trimestrales de las contralorías territoriales. Versión 1.0. Julio 2020](
Uno de los propositos del Acto Legislativo 004 de 2019, por medio del cual se reforma el Regimen ... more Uno de los propositos del Acto Legislativo 004 de 2019, por medio del cual se reforma el Regimen de Control Fiscal, es fortalecer las capacidades de las contralorias territoriales en materia de control fiscal, de manera que su gestion y resultados sean evaluados a traves de indicadores por parte de la Auditoria General de la Republica. Por tal razon, el objetivo de este documento es presentar la metodologia para la Certificacion Anual de Gestion y las Evaluaciones Parciales Trimestrales de las Contralorias Territoriales que debe realizar la Auditoria General de la Republica en el marco de lo dispuesto en los articulos 272 y 274 de la Constitucion Politica, modificados por los articulo 4° y 5° del Acto Legislativo 004 de 2019, respectivamente, y lo determinado en el articulo 30 del Decreto Ley 403 de 2020. La metodologia para la Certificacion Anual de Gestion y las Evaluaciones Parciales Trimestrales de las Contralorias Territoriales se desarrollo bajo la siguiente estructura. En pri...
![Research paper thumbnail of Distribución y Datos Biológicos De Los Cangrejos Ermitaños (Decapoda: Anomura) Del Mar Caribe Colombiano Colectados Por La Expedición Invemar-Macrofauna II](
Bulletin of Marine and Coastal Research, 2016
During the expedition INVEMAR-Macrofauna II, made in 2001 throughout the continental shelf and up... more During the expedition INVEMAR-Macrofauna II, made in 2001 throughout the continental shelf and upper continental slope of the Colombian Caribbean coast, between 20 and 500 m depth, 22 species of hermit crabs distributed in one superfamily and four families, were collected. Within the superfamily Paguroidea, the family Paguridae was the most abundant and diverse with 13 species, six species belong to family Diogenidae; the Parapaguridae was represented by two species and one species of the genus Trizocheles of the family Pylochelidae represents the !rst report of this family from this coast. In addition, !ve undetermined species of the genera Paguristes, Enneobranchus, and Iridopagurus, were also collected. Based on the collected material, the bathymetric distributions reveal species aggregation in two depth ranges (20 - 150 m and 300 - 500 m). The upper strata species show a geographic distribution pattern, seemingly related to the in"uence of the Magdalena river; by contrast, ...
![Research paper thumbnail of Predicativity Through Transfinite Reflection](
The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2017
Let T be a second-order arithmetical theory, Λ a well-order, λ < Λ and X ⊆ ℕ. We use $[\lambda... more Let T be a second-order arithmetical theory, Λ a well-order, λ < Λ and X ⊆ ℕ. We use $[\lambda |X]_T^{\rm{\Lambda }}\varphi$ as a formalization of “φ is provable from T and an oracle for the set X, using ω-rules of nesting depth at most λ”.For a set of formulas Γ, define predicative oracle reflection for T over Γ (Pred–O–RFNΓ(T)) to be the schema that asserts that, if X ⊆ ℕ, Λ is a well-order and φ ∈ Γ, then$$\forall \,\lambda < {\rm{\Lambda }}\,([\lambda |X]_T^{\rm{\Lambda }}\varphi \to \varphi ).$$In particular, define predicative oracle consistency (Pred–O–Cons(T)) as Pred–O–RFN{0=1}(T).Our main result is as follows. Let ATR0 be the second-order theory of Arithmetical Transfinite Recursion, ${\rm{RCA}}_0^{\rm{*}}$ be Weakened Recursive Comprehension and ACA be Arithmetical Comprehension with Full Induction. Then,$${\rm{ATR}}_0 \equiv {\rm{RCA}}_0^{\rm{*}} + {\rm{Pred - O - Cons\ }}\left( {{\rm{RCA}}_0^{\rm{*}} } \right) \equiv {\rm{RCA}}_0^{\rm{*}} + \,{\rm{Pred - O - Cons\...
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2016
immediately prior to returning your corrections.¡/ce:para¿¡/query¿-¿Validation of Thwaites¡!-¡que... more immediately prior to returning your corrections.¡/ce:para¿¡/query¿-¿Validation of Thwaites¡!-¡query id="q3" type="boolean" replies="Yes-No"¿¡ce:para¿The article title has been slightly modified. Please check and confirm if correct.¡/ce:para¿¡/query¿-¿¡!-[DEL][']-¿ Index for diagnosing tuberculous meningitis in a Colombian population ¡!-¡query id="q4" type="boolean" replies="Yes-No"¿¡ce:para¿The author names have been tagged as given names and surnames (surnames are highlighted in teal color). Please confirm if they have been identified correctly.¡/ce:para¿¡/query¿
![Research paper thumbnail of Role of specific IgE to β-lactoglobulin in the gastrointestinal phenotype of cow’s milk allergy](
Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, 2016
Rationale: The prevalence of many phenotypes of food allergy is increasing. Specific gastrointest... more Rationale: The prevalence of many phenotypes of food allergy is increasing. Specific gastrointestinal (GI) phenotype of food allergy (GI allergy) is also increasing but it is difficult to know the prevalence because of many entities. Methods and Results: A 1 year retrospective study of pediatric patients complaining exclusively gastrointestinal symptoms after cow's milk consumption and at least one positive specific IgE (sIgE) to cow's milk (CM) proteins (CMP) was done (n = 39). The most prevalent symptom was abdominal cramps in 35 patients (90 %), discomfort or abdominal distention in 30 patients (75 %), diarrhea in 10 patients (25 %) and constipation in 5 patients (12 %). IgA anti-transglutaminase antibodies were absent and lactose intolerance was ruled out in all patients. Average of total IgE on this group was 288 UI/ml. sIgE against β-lactoglobulin was the dominant with an average of 4.14 kU/l. sIgE to casein (CAS), which is the dominant protein in systemic anaphylaxis was 1.74 kU/l; sIgE to α-lactoalbumin, the other whey protein, was 0.83 kU/l and sIgE levels to CM were 0.78 kU/l. The quotient sIgE CAS/sIgE β-lactoglobulin in these patients was always lower than 1. Patients experienced an improvement of their symptoms after a CM free diet. An open oral challenge with CM did mimic their initial symptoms in all patients. However, the open oral challenge with dairy products was well tolerated. Conclusions: Patients with a specific phenotype of GI allergy with CM have specific IgE against β-lactoglobulin, as a dominant sIgE. These patients could beneficiate of a diet with dairy products.
Íconos - Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2013
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
This article tries to shed some light over the management of assessment resources in a repository... more This article tries to shed some light over the management of assessment resources in a repository of educational resources from an outcome-based perspective. The approximation to this problem is based on the ICOPER Reference Model, as a model to capture e-learning data, services and processes, addressing an interoperability approach. To demonstrate this proposal, a prototype has been implemented. This article also describes the design and development of this prototype that accesses a repository of educational resources (the Open ICOPER Content Space-OICS), the main features of the prototype, the development environment and the evaluation that is being performed.
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2011
Given an interpreted system, we investigate ways for two agents to communicate secrets by public ... more Given an interpreted system, we investigate ways for two agents to communicate secrets by public announcements. For card deals, the problem to keep all of your cards a secret (i) can be distinguished from the problem to keep some of your cards a secret (ii). For (i): we characterize a novel class of protocols consisting of two announcements, for the case where two agents both hold n cards and the third agent a single card; the communicating agents announce the sum of their cards modulo 2n + 1. For (ii): we show that the problem to keep at least one of your cards a secret is equivalent to the problem to keep your local state (hand of cards) a secret; we provide a large class of card deals for which exchange of secrets is possible; and we give an example for which there is no protocol of less than three announcements.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
We present model-theoretic techniques to obtain conservation results for first order bounded arit... more We present model-theoretic techniques to obtain conservation results for first order bounded arithmetic theories, based on a hierarchical version of the well known notion of an existentially closed model.
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2014
Let IΠ − 2 denote the fragment of Peano Arithmetic obtained by restricting the induction scheme t... more Let IΠ − 2 denote the fragment of Peano Arithmetic obtained by restricting the induction scheme to parameter free Π 2 formulas. Answering a question of R. Kaye, L. Beklemishev showed that the provably total computable functions of IΠ − 2 are, precisely, the primitive recursive ones. In this work we give a new proof of this fact through an analysis of certain local variants of induction principles closely related to IΠ − 2. In this way, we obtain a more direct answer to Kaye's question, avoiding the metamathematical machinery (reflection principles, provability logic,...) needed for Beklemishev's original proof. Our methods are model-theoretic and allow for a general study of IΠ − n+1 for all n ≥ 0. In particular, we derive a new conservation result for these theories, namely that IΠ − n+1 is Π n+2-conservative over IΣ n for each n ≥ 1.
Papers by Andrés Covelo Franco